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Innovative Ways - Satisfied Clientele
Kapil Panchal - February 12, 2021
The WPF tree view supports data binding, as all other WPF controls do, but, as the tree view hierarchy does, a normal DataTemplate is often not enough. Instead, we use the Hierarchical Data template, which allows us to template both tree nodes while controlling which property to use as a source for the node's child objects. The tree view tag represents the WPF TreeView control in XAML. The tree view tag represents the WPF TreeView control in XAML. A tree view...
Kapil Panchal - February 11, 2021
In WPF, Fallback is one of the features of binding fallback values. When we are working with the WPF there are many cases when we get the null values or not the correct binding for handle this type of situation WPF can provide us with Fallback values and Target Null Value. Two types of Fallback values are available. TargetNullValue FallbackValue TargetNullValue is used when we want to display the alternate value when the object property is null. If the object...
Kapil Panchal - January 18, 2021
What is DataContext? DataContext is one of the most useful concepts of Data Binding. DataContext is a property that is defined within FrameWorkElement. This is the default source of your bindings. For binding an object, we need some data from somewhere. There are a few ways to specify the source of data. We can use the Source property for binding, inherit a DataContext, and ElementName and RelativeSource properties are also used for binding an object. Data Binding means when we change...
Kapil Panchal - November 18, 2020
What is a self-hosted WCF service? Self-hosting is the simplest way to host your services and a Self-hosted is that it hosts the service in an application that could be a Console Application or Window Forms, etc. Ways to host the WCF service. Hosting in Internet Information Services (IIS). Hosting in Console or Desktop Application (Self-hosting). WCF service has two types of zones. Services Clients Services Some steps to create live services. Define...
Kapil Panchal - October 28, 2020
What is WPF Binding? Binding is the most important topic for WPF. In this blog, we will discuss how and in which ways binding needs to be done. The binding concept helps you to implement design rules into your project. WPF uses a Dependency property called Data Context property to set the source of binding. Data binding is a mechanism in the WPF application which helps us to display run time data, which manages the run time data. If you bind property and any other dependency property...