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Getting started with web Apps in Microsoft Azure

Kapil Panchal - November 12, 2020

Getting started with web Apps in Microsoft Azure

What is Microsoft Azure? Microsoft Azure is also known as Windows Azure, it is Microsoft’s public cloud computing platform. Microsoft Azure provides a range of cloud services, including compute, analytics, storage, and networking. The user can pick and choose from these services to develop and scale new applications, or run existing applications in the public cloud. This platform aims to help businesses and manage challenges to meet their organizational goals. Microsoft Azure offers...

What is Routing in ASP.NET Core MVC?

Kapil Panchal - November 11, 2020

What is Routing in ASP.NET Core MVC?

The routing is a mechanism in which it inspects the incoming Requests path and then map that request to the controllers and action methods. This mapping is done by the routing rules which are defined for the application. We can do this by add the Routing in Middleware to the request processing pipeline. So, this Framework maps the incoming Request and URL to the Controllers action methods based on the routes configured in your application. You can configure the multiple routes for your...

How to handle multilingual in Xamarin forms?

Kapil Panchal - November 09, 2020

How to handle multilingual in Xamarin forms?

In this blog, we will be going to talk about how to implement multilingual in xamarin forms. Multilingual means user requires the multiple languages in their application because there are many people from everywhere to utilizethe application, at that time multilingual feature is the most useful one. Localization is the process of adapting an application to satisfy the precise language or cultural requirements of a target market. To accomplish localization, text and pictures in an application...

The Most Popular Questions about Copyright Registration for Software/Games/Other IT products

Kapil Panchal - September 08, 2020

The Most Popular Questions about Copyright Registration for Software/Games/Other IT products

My name is Murad Musakaev, I’ve been combining Copyright lawyer and Producer roles in Full HP Ltd since 2017. As I initially got into the game industry as a lawyer, one of my top priorities was copyright protection. During my time at Full HP Ltd, I’ve found out that law, if applied correctly, can solve lots of problems: remove hacks of your game, open new accounts in the international banks, deal with cheaters, and piracy via platform holders… Well, at least copyright can speed up these...


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