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Siri of Apple vs Google Assistant of Google

iFour Team - April 02, 2018

Siri of Apple vs Google Assistant of Google

Introduction Siri is an Intelligent personal assistant which is own by Apple. It is launched in October, 2011. Siri supports all Apple OS like iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS. It is an intelligent part of Apple products. Google Assistant is a Virtual personal assistant which is own by Google. It is launched in May, 2016. It is supports to android OS with smart phone and smart home devices. Currently, most reputed software company in USA is making applications based on Siri and Google...

Digital Payment Using Apple Pay

iFour Team - April 02, 2018

Digital Payment Using Apple Pay

Introduction Apple Pay services initially released by Apple in October, 2014. Basically it is launched for digital secure payment transaction. It is a contact payment technology. Users can make payments with iOS apps, Apple watch or from website. From iOS 11 user can do Apple Pay with iMessage app. Apple Pay authentication via Face ID, Touch ID and Passcode. Basically when payment executes at that time all data are in encrypted mode. So, it is a secure payment services launched by Apple....

3D Mobile Application Development using Augmented Reality

iFour Team - March 29, 2018

3D Mobile Application Development using Augmented Reality

Introduction Augmented Reality was first founded by Ivan Sutherland in the year 1968. But Apple introduced it for the first time in WWDC 2017 with iOS version 11.0 and Swift language v4.0. Augmented reality describes user experiences that add 2D or 3D elements to the live view from a device camera in a way that makes those elements appear to inhabit the real world. Augmented reality combines device motion tracking, advanced scene processing, camera scene capture, and display conveniences...

Top 5 Trending JavaScript Framework 2018

iFour Team - March 16, 2018

Top 5 Trending JavaScript Framework 2018

JavaScript Frameworks have transformed the way client-side scripting applications are developed. Several frameworks have evolved with improved features and structures catching the interest of many desktop application development companies. One such framework is React.js, a new version of JavaScript. By adopting a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, these frameworks provide a clear separation of concerns, making code maintenance and scalability easier. The introduction of JavaScript Frameworks...

Top 10 Free PHP Frameworks of 2018 for Web Development

iFour Team - March 09, 2018

Top 10 Free PHP Frameworks of 2018 for Web Development

Why use PHP Framework? Over the past couple of years, web development industry has seen innovative changes in frameworks. With the passing of time well-known PHP frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, Zend Framework and Yii have simply got better and become a handy tool for developers to create large application effortlessly for web development companies in USA 1. LARAVEL Laravel framework overview: Laravel is one of the most popular PHP framework...


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