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Workflow Management Application

About Customer

Our customer is a reliable software development company in USA with branches in Greater Detroit and in Indianapolis area. It offers full spectrum of IT consulting services to its clients and help them achieve their business goals.


In any organization, it is difficult for managers to create and manage schedules, given people’s preferences and availability, especially while working in shifts. This problem gets exacerbated when faced with shift swap requests, sick calls, no-shows, etc. This creates a need for permitting swap shifts among the staff.

Workflow Management Application - 01

Technology Used

ASP.NET MVC with C#, Entity framework

Programming Languages


Client Technology

Microsoft SQL Server

Database Management Server

Web application


Workflow Management Application - 02
Workflow Management Application - 03

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  • Role-based access control – Role-based access control – Quick, secure and easy access control. When logged in with the appropriate credentials, the user gets authenticated and redirected to the page.

    1. User management – Managers can easily change the details of any user’s profile, add new users, and view the pending and closed requests.
    2. Configurations – The system has a config menu for global setup to easily change the dynamic details on each module if required.
    3. Company – The system is designed for multi-tenant concept, so the admin has rights to manage each company and user details.
    4. Location – Managers can set up the location for each company.
    5. Department – Managers can set up department for each location.
    6. Sub-department – Managers can set up a sub-department which will be linked to each department.
    7. Shift – Managers can set up shifts in each department which will be linked to Users.
    8. Dynamic fields – The system has a dynamic content control where each content can be dynamic. Managers can easily design, set and configure dynamic content for the end-users of each location.
    9. Employee roaster – For large-scale organizations, it can be challenging to manage employee data. This module simply helps with user validation and time-saving. After signup, this system seamlessly imports employee data from the punching system and performs the validations accordingly.
  • Users’ role

    1. Available request - Employees can see an available request of swap shift, VTO, and Flex work request created by the organization.
      1. Swap shift – The module is to see the available swap offer of the current department of the user.
      2. VTO – List of available VTO requests that has been created by the user.
    2. My request – Employees can see their own created requests for each module like., swap shift, VOT (Voluntary Over Time), VTO (Voluntary Time Off), Flex work, Call-off, early out, and transfer request.
      1. Swapshift – Employees can create shift requests they intend to work in and swap their shift with other employees.
      2. Each module has its own functionality, so in general terms, the user can apply for requests and wait for approval from the manager
  • Manager’s role

    1. Pending request – Easily see the created requests by employees, review requests of employees, export data, apply a filter on data and.
    2. Closed request – Manager can verify each request – both their own and their subordinates’ - approved by the HR team.
  • HR team

    1. Pending request – Easily see the created requests by employees, review requests, and act on them
    2. Closed request – Audit data as required, easily export each module’s data when needed
    3. Configuration – The HR team can setup organization configuration via the config menu likes User validation, Department, Sub-department, Shift configuration, Alert type, etc.
  • Purchaser


    1. Plan module – Setup plans for an organization as per its need, manage invoices, manage credit card details for further transactions, etc.
  • Administrator – During the initial implementation, the organization needs to set up its new information into the system and conduct the initial configuration level set up.

  • Learning admin

    1. Training – The learning admin role is crucial to manage the training of each employee. It handles module mapping as well as department training at the organizational level.
    2. Activity logs – You can check the history of any user and their logs.
  • Scheduling – This system has many cron jobs running to improve the performance of end users. So, whenever any action is initiated, it creates an enqueuer job that executes in queue to increase performance. For instance, sharing SMS, email for each request, monthly auto-invoicing, big data import, etc.

image Conclusion/Results

In some organizations, it is difficult to maintain employee data in a non-digital form. In such cases, this system would be very helpful for faster workflow execution. This solution helps managers to dynamically address demand fluctuations by matching workforce scheduling. Moreover, the customer does not have to provide any new hardware.


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