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Azure vs AWS - What to choose between two strong cloud platforms?

Kapil Panchal - February 03, 2021

Azure vs AWS - What to choose between two strong cloud platforms?

Nowadays, Cloud computing has been on a tremendous hype in the market. There was a time when enterprises are completely dependent on huge and costly servers. Then the introduction of cloud platforms has entirely changed the game. AWS and Azure are today’s innovation juggernauts that offer impeccable cloud-based services. Both platforms are equally leading the market and at some point, it makes us difficult to decide which one is better among them. These two have the calibre to cover the organizational...

Top 10 Emerging Technology Trends for Environment Industry

Kapil Panchal - February 01, 2021

Top 10 Emerging Technology Trends for Environment Industry

Technologies of today are capable of producing seamless solutions for any kind ofhuman need.These play an extraordinary role in making our planet a sustainable and comfortable place to live. Apart from that, technologies also help us to preserve our Earth’s environment in various ways.For instance, environmental sensors, IoT-based devices, pollution control systems, weather forecasting artificial satellites, etc. help us with accurate reports that are useful to take positive steps for the environment. To...

Xamarin Android: Create Login Using SQLite Database

Kapil Panchal - January 30, 2021

Xamarin Android: Create Login Using SQLite Database

Xamarin is an open-source platform for creating modern and performance applications with .NET for iOS, Android, and Windows. This pattern allows developers to write all of their business logic in one language (or reuse existing application code) but achieve original performance, look and feel on each platform. What is SQLite? Android SQLite is the most preferred way to store data for Android applications. For many applications, SQLite is the backbone of applications whether...

Five Ways to Save Cost by Using Microsoft Azure

Kapil Panchal - January 30, 2021

Five Ways to Save Cost by Using Microsoft Azure

The MicrosoftAzure is a cloud platform-based operating system that works to run any business applications, for Azure provides services and workloads in the cloud. This is the same function as an operating system on all hardware platforms and that allows applications to run in a virtual environment by providing physical hardware components and a number of services. Microsoft designed Azure to enable .NET experts to empower their capability to develop ASP.NET websites and WCF web services. Azure...

Top 10 Emerging Technology Trends for Entertainment Industry

Kapil Panchal - January 29, 2021

Top 10 Emerging Technology Trends for Entertainment Industry

As time went on, we have witnessed an unbelievable change in the Entertainment industry.Earlier, people used to spend their quality time with their friends and family sitting around the campfire. Today,with rapid advancement in technology, the television had become a main base of entertainment. No sooner had it got trended, Smartphones caught an astonishingpace in the market. Thus it has completely changed theworld of entertainment and the people’s way of living. Technology has beenthe...


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