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Top 15 Add-ons for Outlook to enhance data privacy and security

Kapil Panchal - February 21, 2023

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Top 15 Add-ons for Outlook to enhance data privacy and security

Outlook is one of the most widely used email clients in the business world, with millions of users relying on it to manage their daily communication and collaboration needs. While Outlook comes with a number of features and amenities, add-ons for outlook add a layer of capability and customization that may help organizations streamline their workflow and increase business productivity.

Custom Outlook Addin development has been a great option to increase business potential and bring more power to your normal activities. It improves overall efficiency right from security and data privacy to project management and collaboration, the right set of Outlook add-ins can make a significant impact on your firm’s success.

Security is a moving target, there's no guarantee of hitting it, however, we have solutions that can stand as a protective barrier for your business.

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Here are 15 Outlook add-ons that can help you enhance system security and data privacy:

#1 Boomerang

Boomerang is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that provides several features designed to enhance productivity, email management, and data security. Boomerang enhances data security by allowing users to schedule their emails to be sent later. This can be useful when communicating sensitive or confidential information that may need to be reviewed or approved by multiple parties before being sent. By scheduling the email to be sent at a specific time, users can ensure that the email is not sent prematurely or to unintended recipients.

Boomerang Outlook Addin

Another way that Boomerang can aid in data security is through its follow-up reminder feature. Boomerang can send reminders to users when they haven't received a response to an email they sent, which can help prevent important messages from being missed or overlooked. This can be particularly useful for critical communication that may contain sensitive or confidential information.

Furthermore, Boomerang includes a "Respondable" feature that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the language of your emails and provide real-time feedback on how likely your message is to receive a response. This can help users fine-tune their communication to be more effective and efficient, while also reducing the risk of a data breach due to multiple, unnecessary follow-up emails.

Boomerang can aid in data security by enabling users to schedule emails, send follow-up reminders, and optimize communication to improve the likelihood of receiving a response, all of which can help prevent sensitive or confidential information from being exposed or compromised.

#2 ClearContext

ClearContext is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that provides several features designed to improve email management and productivity, as well as aid in data security. It effectively helps you organize and prioritize your inbox by automatically categorizing emails and creating tasks and appointments.

ClearContext Outlook Addin

Some of the ways that ClearContext can assist in data security are:

Automatic Email Categorization: ClearContext automatically categorizes your emails based on the sender and subject line, making it easier to quickly identify important emails and keep your inbox organized. This can be especially helpful when it comes to identifying and flagging potential phishing emails or suspicious messages from unknown senders.

Email Delegation: With ClearContext, you can easily delegate emails to team members, making it easier to share important information and collaborate on projects while keeping sensitive data within the team.

Email Prioritization: ClearContext allows you to prioritize your emails, which can be a useful way to ensure that you are responding to the most important and time-sensitive messages first. This can help you quickly identify important communications related to data security and give them the attention they deserve.

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Attachment Tracking: ClearContext can also help you track email attachments, which can be a useful way to ensure that sensitive documents are not accidentally sent to the wrong recipients or exposed to potential hackers or malicious actors. With attachment tracking, you can quickly identify when an attachment has been added to an email and confirm that it has been sent to the right person.

So, this Add-on for Outlook ensures that sensitive data is shared and accessed only by authorized team members.

#3 Trello

Trello is yet another essential Add-on for outlook and an effective project management tool that integrates with the Outlook platform. It lets you turn emails into Trello cards and collaborate with your team.

Trello Outlok Addin

Trello has a feature called "Email-to-Board" that allows users to create new cards on a Trello board directly from their email inbox. Here's how it works:

  1. Each Trello board has a unique email address that can be found by opening the board menu and selecting "More" > "Email-to-board settings".
  2. To create a new card via email, simply compose an email to the board's email address and use the subject line as the card title.
  3. Any text in the body of the email will be added as the card description.
  4. If you want to assign the card to a specific list, add a command in the email subject line such as "List: To Do". You can also add due dates and labels using similar commands.
  5. Finally, attach any files you want to include on the card to the email, and they will be added to the card's attachments.

Once you send the email, Trello will automatically create a new card on the specified board with the information you provided in the email. This is a great way to quickly capture new ideas or tasks on the go, without having to log in to Trello each time.

#4 Gpg4win

Gpg4win is a free and open-source encryption software that integrates with Outlook and allows you to encrypt your emails and attachments for sensitive data protection.

Gpg4win Outlook Addin

Here is how it works:

  1. First, you need to download and install Gpg4win on your Windows computer.
  2. Once installed, you can generate a new key pair, consisting of a public key and a private key. Your public key can be shared with anyone who wants to send you an encrypted email, while your private key must be kept secure and used to decrypt incoming encrypted emails.
  3. When composing a new email in your email client (such as Microsoft Outlook), you can use the GpgOL plugin to encrypt the email before sending it. This is done by clicking the "Encrypt" button in the email toolbar.
  4. Gpg4win will automatically look up the recipient's public key (if it's available) and use it to encrypt the email and its attachments. The recipient can then use their private key to decrypt the email and read its contents.
  5. You can also digitally sign your emails using Gpg4win to provide an additional layer of security and verify the authenticity of the email.

It's important to note that both the sender and the recipient need to have compatible encryption software and public keys in order for encryption to work. If the recipient doesn't have Gpg4win installed or doesn't have your public key, they won't be able to decrypt the email.

#5 SendGuard

SpamBayes Outlook Addin

SendGuard is an email security and productivity add-in for Microsoft Outlook that prevents email mistakes by providing real-time alerts when you forget to attach a file, include a subject line, or send an email to the wrong recipient.

Here are some ways that SendGuard can help:

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  • Attachment Protection: SendGuard can help prevent you from forgetting to attach an important file to an email by scanning the text of the email and checking whether it contains language that suggests an attachment should be included. If it does, but no attachment is detected, SendGuard will display a warning message to remind you to attach a file.
  • Reply Protection: SendGuard can help prevent you from accidentally replying to all recipients of an email when you only meant to reply to one person. If you click "Reply All" on an email with multiple recipients, SendGuard will display a warning message to confirm that you want to reply to all recipients.
  • Send Confirm: SendGuard can help prevent you from sending an email before you're ready by adding a "Send Confirm" feature. When you click "Send", SendGuard will display a pop-up window that asks you to confirm that you really want to send the email. This can be helpful in preventing mistakes caused by accidentally clicking the "Send" button too quickly.
  • Check for Mistakes: SendGuard includes a "Check for Mistakes" feature that scans your email for common errors and issues, such as missing subject lines, poor grammar, or spelling errors. If any issues are detected, SendGuard will display a warning message that lets you know what needs to be corrected.

This is how it improves job efficiency and accuracy.

#6 Evernote

Evernote is a note-taking app that integrates with Outlook, letting you turn emails into notes and access them across all your devices.

Evernote Outlook Addin

How does Evernote Outlook Add-in work?

  • First, you need to download and install the Evernote Outlook Add-in on your computer. This can be done from the Evernote website or from the Microsoft AppSource marketplace.
  • Once installed, you can use the Add-in to create a new note in Evernote from an email in Outlook. This is done by selecting the email you want to save, clicking the "Evernote" button in the Outlook ribbon, and choosing "Save to Evernote". You can choose which notebook and tags to apply to the new note, and any attachments in the email will be included in the note as well.
  • You can also use the Evernote Outlook Add-in to search your Evernote notes from within Outlook. This is done by clicking the "Evernote" button in the Outlook ribbon and choosing "Search Evernote". You can search by keywords, tags, notebooks, and more, and any matching notes will be displayed in the search results.
  • Another useful feature of the Evernote Outlook Add-in is the ability to view related notes while reading an email. This is done by clicking the "Evernote" button in the Outlook ribbon and choosing "Related Notes". Evernote will search for notes related to the email based on keywords and other factors and display them in a panel alongside the email.

All in all, an Evernote Outlook Add-in is a powerful tool that can help you save time and improve your productivity by seamlessly integrating Evernote with Microsoft Outlook.

#7 Keeper

Keeper is a password management tool that integrates with Outlook, allowing you to securely store and autofill your passwords.

Keeper Outlook Addin

Here's how the Add-in can help business clients with data security:

  • Two-Factor Authentication: Keeper supports two-factor authentication, which adds an additional layer of security to user accounts. The Add-in allows users to configure two-factor authentication for their Outlook accounts, helping to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Secure Password Management: The Keeper plugins for Outlook allows users to securely store and manage their passwords and login credentials within the Keeper digital vault. This helps prevent password-related security breaches, such as password reuse or weak passwords.
  • Encryption and Data Protection: Keeper uses advanced encryption and data protection technologies to ensure that stored passwords and sensitive data are safe from unauthorized access. The Add-in extends this protection to Outlook by encrypting email attachments and ensuring secure file sharing.
  • Compliance and Auditability: Keeper is designed to meet the strict security and compliance requirements of businesses and organizations, such as HIPAA, GDPR, and SOC-2. The Add-in provides audit trails and reporting features, allowing businesses to monitor user activity and ensure compliance.
  • Easy Integration and Deployment: The Keeper plugin for Outlook can be easily integrated and deployed within a business's existing IT infrastructure, allowing users to quickly and easily start using the password management and security features of Keeper.

Taken together, the Keeper Add-on for Outlook is a powerful tool that can help businesses and software organizations protect their sensitive data and improve their overall cybersecurity posture. It is a beacon of hope for improving data privacy and security.

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#8 Mimecast

Mimecast is an email security tool that provides protection against spam, phishing, and malware.

Mimecast Outlook Addin

Mimecast is an email security and cyber resilience company that offers a range of solutions to help businesses and organizations protect their email communications from cyber threats. The Mimecast Outlook Add-in is one of the tools that Mimecast provides to enhance email security for Outlook users. Take a look at some of the ways how this Add-on can be helpful:

  • Real-time Threat Protection: The Mimecast Outlook Add-in provides real-time threat protection for email communications. It scans incoming and outgoing emails for malicious content, attachments, and links, and provides immediate alerts to users if a threat is detected.
  • Advanced URL Protection: The Add-in includes an advanced URL protection feature that helps prevent users from clicking on malicious links. It automatically rewrites URLs within emails to go through Mimecast's secure web gateway, where they are scanned for potential threats before being redirected to the original website.
  • Secure Email Delivery: The Mimecast Outlook Add-in uses advanced encryption and data protection technologies to ensure that email communications are securely delivered. It provides end-to-end email encryption, secure file sharing, and secure messaging features to help protect sensitive data.
  • Compliance and Archiving: Mimecast provides compliance and archiving features that help businesses and organizations meet regulatory and legal requirements. The Add-in allows users to easily search and retrieve archived emails and provides reporting and audit trail features to help ensure compliance.
  • Easy Integration and Deployment: The Mimecast Outlook Add-in can be easily integrated and deployed within a business's existing IT infrastructure. It is compatible with Microsoft Outlook for Windows and Mac and can be customized to fit the specific needs of individual organizations.

Overall, the Mimecast Outlook Add-in is a recommended tool for security because it provides real-time threat protection, advanced URL protection, secure email delivery, compliance and archiving features, and easy integration and deployment. These features can help businesses and organizations stay protected from email-based cyber threats and ensure the secure delivery and storage of sensitive data.

#9 Zoom

Zoom is a video conferencing app that integrates with Outlook, allowing you to schedule and join Zoom meetings directly from your calendar.

Zoom Outlook Addin

How Zoom Outlook add-in provides security?

The Zoom add-in for Outlook provides several security features to ensure that meetings are secure and confidential. Some of these features include:


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  • Password protection:The Zoom add-in for Outlook allows you to add a password to your meeting, which ensures that only authorized attendees can join the meeting.
  • Meeting ID and access code: Each Zoom meeting has a unique meeting ID and access code, which provides an additional layer of security and ensures that only authorized attendees can join the meeting.
  • Waiting room: The waiting room feature ensures that attendees cannot join the meeting until the host admits them, preventing unauthorized attendees from joining the meeting.
  • Encryption: Zoom uses end-to-end encryption to protect the confidentiality of the meeting. This means that the data is encrypted on the user's device and can only be decrypted by the recipient, ensuring that the meeting is secure and private.
  • Host controls: The Zoom add-in for Outlook allows the host to control the meeting and its attendees, such as muting and unmuting participants, removing participants, and disabling screen sharing.

In summary, the Zoom add-ins for Outlook provide several security features such as password protection, a waiting room, a unique meeting ID and access code, encryption, and host controls to ensure that meetings are secure and confidential.

#10 Hushmail

Hushmail is a secure email service that integrates with Outlook, letting you send and receive encrypted emails to protect your privacy.

HushMail Outlook Addin

To send and receive encrypted emails through the Hushmail add-in, you can follow these steps:

Sending an encrypted email:

  • Compose your email message as usual in Outlook.
  • Click the "Encrypt" button in the Hushmail add-in pane. This will encrypt your email message and any attachments you may have included.
  • If prompted, enter your Hushmail username and password to authenticate your account and authorize the encryption.
  • Send the email as you normally would.

Receiving an encrypted email:

  • When you receive an encrypted email in Outlook, you will see an attachment with the ".hush" extension.
  • Double-click on the ".hush" attachment to open it. This will open the Hushmail add-in pane.
  • If you have not already authenticated your Hushmail account, you will be prompted to do so.
  • Enter your Hushmail username and password to authenticate your account and view the decrypted email message and any attachments.

Note that the recipient of your encrypted email must also be using Hushmail or a compatible email client that supports PGP encryption in order to decrypt and read the message. Additionally, you should ensure that the recipient has your public PGP key in order to decrypt and read your message.

#11 Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign is a digital signature service that integrates with Outlook, allowing you to sign and send documents securely.

Adobe Sign Outlook Addin

Some of the best features Adobe Sign Add-in provides are encrypted documents, authentication, access controls, audit trails, and compliance to ensure that documents are signed and exchanged securely.

Encrypted documents: Adobe Sign Add-in encrypts all documents that are sent through the system, ensuring that the information contained within is secure.

Authentication: The Adobe Sign Add-in uses industry-standard authentication methods to ensure that only authorized users can access documents and sign them. This includes multi-factor authentication and digital signature authentication.

Access controls: The Adobe Sign Add-in provides access controls that allow document owners to control who can access, view, and sign documents. Document owners can specify which individuals are authorized to sign, and can also set access permissions for specific documents.

Audit trails: The Adobe Sign Add-in maintains detailed audit trails of all document activity, including who has accessed the document and when, and any changes that have been made to the document.

Compliance: The Adobe Sign Add-in helps ensure that all documents are signed in compliance with applicable regulations, including e-signature laws and industry-specific regulations.

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#12 DocuSign

DocuSign is another digital signature service that integrates with Outlook, providing a secure way to sign and send documents.

DocuSign Outlook Addin

Integrating a custom DocuSign plug-in for Outlook can help with data security in several ways:

  • Encrypted Communication: DocuSign uses SSL/TLS encryption to secure communication between the sender and the recipient. This ensures that the document and any related data are protected during transmission.
  • Document Encryption: DocuSign also uses AES encryption to secure the document content itself. This encryption protects the document and ensures that it cannot be tampered with.
  • Secure Authentication: DocuSign uses multi-factor authentication to verify the identity of users. This ensures that only authorized users have access to the document.
  • Document Control: DocuSign provides document control features such as access control and document retention policies. This allows businesses to control who has access to the document and how long it is retained.
  • Audit Trail: DocuSign provides a comprehensive audit trail of all actions taken on a document. This includes details such as who accessed the document when they accessed it, and what actions they took. This information can be used to track document activity and ensure data security.

By integrating a custom DocuSign plug-in for Outlook, businesses can leverage these security features to protect their data and ensure that their documents are secure. The plug-in makes it easy to send and receive documents securely, and the data encryption, authentication, and document control features help to ensure that only authorized users have access to the document. Additionally, the audit trail provides a record of all document activity, which can help businesses identify potential security issues and take appropriate action.

#13 S/MIME Control

S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Control Add-in is a tool used to encrypt and sign emails, which can add a layer of security to business communication.

S-Mime Control Outlook Addin

Here are some ways in which the S/MIME Control extension can help secure business communication:

  • Encryption: S/MIME Control Add-in uses encryption to protect the content of emails, ensuring that only the intended recipient(s) can read the message. This helps protect sensitive information, such as confidential business plans, financial data, or personal information, from unauthorized access.
  • Digital signatures: S/MIME Control Add-in can add digital signatures to emails, verifying the authenticity of the sender and ensuring that the content of the email has not been tampered with. This helps prevent email spoofing and phishing attacks, which can be a significant threat to businesses.
  • Authentication: S/MIME Control Add-in can help ensure that only authorized users can send or access sensitive information. This helps prevent unauthorized access to confidential information and ensures that business communication remains secure.
  • Compatibility: S/MIME Control Add-in is widely supported by most email clients and servers, making it a reliable and trusted method for secure email communication.

Overall, S/MIME Control Add-in can provide a secure layer for business communication by using encryption, digital signatures, authentication, and compatibility features. This can help protect sensitive information, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure that business communication remains secure.

#14 SpamBayes

This Outlook add-in can help improve security by filtering out unwanted emails, including spam, phishing emails, and malware. This add-in uses a combination of Bayesian analysis and machine learning algorithms to learn from a user's email history and identify patterns in email content that are likely to be spam or other types of unwanted messages. Once the add-in has been trained, it can automatically move unwanted messages to a designated spam folder, ensuring that they do not clutter up the user's inbox or pose a security threat. By reducing the amount of spam and unwanted emails that a user receives, the SpamBayes Outlook add-in can help protect against phishing attacks, which can be a major threat to businesses.

SpamBayes Outlook Addin

Additionally, the add-in's ability to identify and filter out malware can help prevent viruses and other types of malicious software from being inadvertently downloaded or installed. Overall, the SpamBayes Outlook add-in is a useful tool for improving email security and reducing the risk of data breaches and other security threats.

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#15 Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Microsoft Defender Outlook Addin

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is an email security add-in that protects your business against phishing, malware, and other online risks while you use Outlook.



Plug-ins simplify business and operations, making you more productive or performing a critical activity better than a specialized tool.

Outlook is a well-known email client in the business world, with millions of users relying on it to meet their daily communication and collaboration requirements. It has a plethora of astonishing add-ins, both free and paid. This blog has gone through the top 15 Outlook Add-ons to help you enhance data security. Given that the great majority of us use Outlook, it seems reasonable to consider all of these extensions to improve data privacy and corporate security.

Top 15 Add-ons for Outlook to enhance data privacy and security Outlook is one of the most widely used email clients in the business world, with millions of users relying on it to manage their daily communication and collaboration needs. While Outlook comes with a number of features and amenities, add-ons for outlook add a layer of capability and customization that may help organizations streamline their workflow and increase business productivity. Custom Outlook Addin development has been a great option to increase business potential and bring more power to your normal activities. It improves overall efficiency right from security and data privacy to project management and collaboration, the right set of Outlook add-ins can make a significant impact on your firm’s success. Security is a moving target, there's no guarantee of hitting it, however, we have solutions that can stand as a protective barrier for your business. Unlock your business potential with the best Office 365 Add-ins development. Let’s collaborate Here are 15 Outlook add-ons that can help you enhance system security and data privacy: #1 Boomerang Boomerang is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that provides several features designed to enhance productivity, email management, and data security. Boomerang enhances data security by allowing users to schedule their emails to be sent later. This can be useful when communicating sensitive or confidential information that may need to be reviewed or approved by multiple parties before being sent. By scheduling the email to be sent at a specific time, users can ensure that the email is not sent prematurely or to unintended recipients.   Another way that Boomerang can aid in data security is through its follow-up reminder feature. Boomerang can send reminders to users when they haven't received a response to an email they sent, which can help prevent important messages from being missed or overlooked. This can be particularly useful for critical communication that may contain sensitive or confidential information. Furthermore, Boomerang includes a "Respondable" feature that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the language of your emails and provide real-time feedback on how likely your message is to receive a response. This can help users fine-tune their communication to be more effective and efficient, while also reducing the risk of a data breach due to multiple, unnecessary follow-up emails. Read More: How Microsoft Office 365 Add-Ins can supercharge your productivity? Boomerang can aid in data security by enabling users to schedule emails, send follow-up reminders, and optimize communication to improve the likelihood of receiving a response, all of which can help prevent sensitive or confidential information from being exposed or compromised. #2 ClearContext ClearContext is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that provides several features designed to improve email management and productivity, as well as aid in data security. It effectively helps you organize and prioritize your inbox by automatically categorizing emails and creating tasks and appointments.   Some of the ways that ClearContext can assist in data security are: Automatic Email Categorization: ClearContext automatically categorizes your emails based on the sender and subject line, making it easier to quickly identify important emails and keep your inbox organized. This can be especially helpful when it comes to identifying and flagging potential phishing emails or suspicious messages from unknown senders. Email Delegation: With ClearContext, you can easily delegate emails to team members, making it easier to share important information and collaborate on projects while keeping sensitive data within the team. Email Prioritization: ClearContext allows you to prioritize your emails, which can be a useful way to ensure that you are responding to the most important and time-sensitive messages first. This can help you quickly identify important communications related to data security and give them the attention they deserve. Want to hire .Net developer for your next project? Reach out us Attachment Tracking: ClearContext can also help you track email attachments, which can be a useful way to ensure that sensitive documents are not accidentally sent to the wrong recipients or exposed to potential hackers or malicious actors. With attachment tracking, you can quickly identify when an attachment has been added to an email and confirm that it has been sent to the right person. So, this Add-on for Outlook ensures that sensitive data is shared and accessed only by authorized team members. #3 Trello Trello is yet another essential Add-on for outlook and an effective project management tool that integrates with the Outlook platform. It lets you turn emails into Trello cards and collaborate with your team.   Trello has a feature called "Email-to-Board" that allows users to create new cards on a Trello board directly from their email inbox. Here's how it works: Each Trello board has a unique email address that can be found by opening the board menu and selecting "More" > "Email-to-board settings". To create a new card via email, simply compose an email to the board's email address and use the subject line as the card title. Any text in the body of the email will be added as the card description. If you want to assign the card to a specific list, add a command in the email subject line such as "List: To Do". You can also add due dates and labels using similar commands. Finally, attach any files you want to include on the card to the email, and they will be added to the card's attachments. Once you send the email, Trello will automatically create a new card on the specified board with the information you provided in the email. This is a great way to quickly capture new ideas or tasks on the go, without having to log in to Trello each time. Read More: A Tutorial for Excel-Add Ins Development #4 Gpg4win Gpg4win is a free and open-source encryption software that integrates with Outlook and allows you to encrypt your emails and attachments for sensitive data protection.   Here is how it works: First, you need to download and install Gpg4win on your Windows computer. Once installed, you can generate a new key pair, consisting of a public key and a private key. Your public key can be shared with anyone who wants to send you an encrypted email, while your private key must be kept secure and used to decrypt incoming encrypted emails. When composing a new email in your email client (such as Microsoft Outlook), you can use the GpgOL plugin to encrypt the email before sending it. This is done by clicking the "Encrypt" button in the email toolbar. Gpg4win will automatically look up the recipient's public key (if it's available) and use it to encrypt the email and its attachments. The recipient can then use their private key to decrypt the email and read its contents. You can also digitally sign your emails using Gpg4win to provide an additional layer of security and verify the authenticity of the email. It's important to note that both the sender and the recipient need to have compatible encryption software and public keys in order for encryption to work. If the recipient doesn't have Gpg4win installed or doesn't have your public key, they won't be able to decrypt the email. #5 SendGuard   SendGuard is an email security and productivity add-in for Microsoft Outlook that prevents email mistakes by providing real-time alerts when you forget to attach a file, include a subject line, or send an email to the wrong recipient. Here are some ways that SendGuard can help: Searching for a reliable Angular development company?  Connect us now   Attachment Protection: SendGuard can help prevent you from forgetting to attach an important file to an email by scanning the text of the email and checking whether it contains language that suggests an attachment should be included. If it does, but no attachment is detected, SendGuard will display a warning message to remind you to attach a file. Reply Protection: SendGuard can help prevent you from accidentally replying to all recipients of an email when you only meant to reply to one person. If you click "Reply All" on an email with multiple recipients, SendGuard will display a warning message to confirm that you want to reply to all recipients. Send Confirm: SendGuard can help prevent you from sending an email before you're ready by adding a "Send Confirm" feature. When you click "Send", SendGuard will display a pop-up window that asks you to confirm that you really want to send the email. This can be helpful in preventing mistakes caused by accidentally clicking the "Send" button too quickly. Check for Mistakes: SendGuard includes a "Check for Mistakes" feature that scans your email for common errors and issues, such as missing subject lines, poor grammar, or spelling errors. If any issues are detected, SendGuard will display a warning message that lets you know what needs to be corrected. This is how it improves job efficiency and accuracy. #6 Evernote Evernote is a note-taking app that integrates with Outlook, letting you turn emails into notes and access them across all your devices. Read More: How to use Angular for Office 365 Add-in development?   How does Evernote Outlook Add-in work?   First, you need to download and install the Evernote Outlook Add-in on your computer. This can be done from the Evernote website or from the Microsoft AppSource marketplace. Once installed, you can use the Add-in to create a new note in Evernote from an email in Outlook. This is done by selecting the email you want to save, clicking the "Evernote" button in the Outlook ribbon, and choosing "Save to Evernote". You can choose which notebook and tags to apply to the new note, and any attachments in the email will be included in the note as well. You can also use the Evernote Outlook Add-in to search your Evernote notes from within Outlook. This is done by clicking the "Evernote" button in the Outlook ribbon and choosing "Search Evernote". You can search by keywords, tags, notebooks, and more, and any matching notes will be displayed in the search results. Another useful feature of the Evernote Outlook Add-in is the ability to view related notes while reading an email. This is done by clicking the "Evernote" button in the Outlook ribbon and choosing "Related Notes". Evernote will search for notes related to the email based on keywords and other factors and display them in a panel alongside the email. All in all, an Evernote Outlook Add-in is a powerful tool that can help you save time and improve your productivity by seamlessly integrating Evernote with Microsoft Outlook. #7 Keeper Keeper is a password management tool that integrates with Outlook, allowing you to securely store and autofill your passwords.   Here's how the Add-in can help business clients with data security: Two-Factor Authentication: Keeper supports two-factor authentication, which adds an additional layer of security to user accounts. The Add-in allows users to configure two-factor authentication for their Outlook accounts, helping to prevent unauthorized access. Secure Password Management: The Keeper plugins for Outlook allows users to securely store and manage their passwords and login credentials within the Keeper digital vault. This helps prevent password-related security breaches, such as password reuse or weak passwords. Encryption and Data Protection: Keeper uses advanced encryption and data protection technologies to ensure that stored passwords and sensitive data are safe from unauthorized access. The Add-in extends this protection to Outlook by encrypting email attachments and ensuring secure file sharing. Compliance and Auditability: Keeper is designed to meet the strict security and compliance requirements of businesses and organizations, such as HIPAA, GDPR, and SOC-2. The Add-in provides audit trails and reporting features, allowing businesses to monitor user activity and ensure compliance. Easy Integration and Deployment: The Keeper plugin for Outlook can be easily integrated and deployed within a business's existing IT infrastructure, allowing users to quickly and easily start using the password management and security features of Keeper. Taken together, the Keeper Add-on for Outlook is a powerful tool that can help businesses and software organizations protect their sensitive data and improve their overall cybersecurity posture. It is a beacon of hope for improving data privacy and security. iFour: A one-stop destination to hire React.js developers Enquire now #8 Mimecast Mimecast is an email security tool that provides protection against spam, phishing, and malware.   Mimecast is an email security and cyber resilience company that offers a range of solutions to help businesses and organizations protect their email communications from cyber threats. The Mimecast Outlook Add-in is one of the tools that Mimecast provides to enhance email security for Outlook users. Take a look at some of the ways how this Add-on can be helpful: Real-time Threat Protection: The Mimecast Outlook Add-in provides real-time threat protection for email communications. It scans incoming and outgoing emails for malicious content, attachments, and links, and provides immediate alerts to users if a threat is detected. Advanced URL Protection: The Add-in includes an advanced URL protection feature that helps prevent users from clicking on malicious links. It automatically rewrites URLs within emails to go through Mimecast's secure web gateway, where they are scanned for potential threats before being redirected to the original website. Secure Email Delivery: The Mimecast Outlook Add-in uses advanced encryption and data protection technologies to ensure that email communications are securely delivered. It provides end-to-end email encryption, secure file sharing, and secure messaging features to help protect sensitive data. Compliance and Archiving: Mimecast provides compliance and archiving features that help businesses and organizations meet regulatory and legal requirements. The Add-in allows users to easily search and retrieve archived emails and provides reporting and audit trail features to help ensure compliance. Easy Integration and Deployment: The Mimecast Outlook Add-in can be easily integrated and deployed within a business's existing IT infrastructure. It is compatible with Microsoft Outlook for Windows and Mac and can be customized to fit the specific needs of individual organizations. Read More: Office add-in development: VSTO Add-ins vs JavaScript API Overall, the Mimecast Outlook Add-in is a recommended tool for security because it provides real-time threat protection, advanced URL protection, secure email delivery, compliance and archiving features, and easy integration and deployment. These features can help businesses and organizations stay protected from email-based cyber threats and ensure the secure delivery and storage of sensitive data. #9 Zoom Zoom is a video conferencing app that integrates with Outlook, allowing you to schedule and join Zoom meetings directly from your calendar.   How Zoom Outlook add-in provides security? The Zoom add-in for Outlook provides several security features to ensure that meetings are secure and confidential. Some of these features include:   Seeking a reliable Mobile App development company for your business? Connect us now   Password protection:The Zoom add-in for Outlook allows you to add a password to your meeting, which ensures that only authorized attendees can join the meeting. Meeting ID and access code: Each Zoom meeting has a unique meeting ID and access code, which provides an additional layer of security and ensures that only authorized attendees can join the meeting. Waiting room: The waiting room feature ensures that attendees cannot join the meeting until the host admits them, preventing unauthorized attendees from joining the meeting. Encryption: Zoom uses end-to-end encryption to protect the confidentiality of the meeting. This means that the data is encrypted on the user's device and can only be decrypted by the recipient, ensuring that the meeting is secure and private. Host controls: The Zoom add-in for Outlook allows the host to control the meeting and its attendees, such as muting and unmuting participants, removing participants, and disabling screen sharing. In summary, the Zoom add-ins for Outlook provide several security features such as password protection, a waiting room, a unique meeting ID and access code, encryption, and host controls to ensure that meetings are secure and confidential. #10 Hushmail Hushmail is a secure email service that integrates with Outlook, letting you send and receive encrypted emails to protect your privacy.   To send and receive encrypted emails through the Hushmail add-in, you can follow these steps: Sending an encrypted email: Compose your email message as usual in Outlook. Click the "Encrypt" button in the Hushmail add-in pane. This will encrypt your email message and any attachments you may have included. If prompted, enter your Hushmail username and password to authenticate your account and authorize the encryption. Send the email as you normally would. Receiving an encrypted email: When you receive an encrypted email in Outlook, you will see an attachment with the ".hush" extension. Double-click on the ".hush" attachment to open it. This will open the Hushmail add-in pane. If you have not already authenticated your Hushmail account, you will be prompted to do so. Enter your Hushmail username and password to authenticate your account and view the decrypted email message and any attachments. Note that the recipient of your encrypted email must also be using Hushmail or a compatible email client that supports PGP encryption in order to decrypt and read the message. Additionally, you should ensure that the recipient has your public PGP key in order to decrypt and read your message. #11 Adobe Sign Adobe Sign is a digital signature service that integrates with Outlook, allowing you to sign and send documents securely.   Some of the best features Adobe Sign Add-in provides are encrypted documents, authentication, access controls, audit trails, and compliance to ensure that documents are signed and exchanged securely. Encrypted documents: Adobe Sign Add-in encrypts all documents that are sent through the system, ensuring that the information contained within is secure. Authentication: The Adobe Sign Add-in uses industry-standard authentication methods to ensure that only authorized users can access documents and sign them. This includes multi-factor authentication and digital signature authentication. Access controls: The Adobe Sign Add-in provides access controls that allow document owners to control who can access, view, and sign documents. Document owners can specify which individuals are authorized to sign, and can also set access permissions for specific documents. Audit trails: The Adobe Sign Add-in maintains detailed audit trails of all document activity, including who has accessed the document and when, and any changes that have been made to the document. Compliance: The Adobe Sign Add-in helps ensure that all documents are signed in compliance with applicable regulations, including e-signature laws and industry-specific regulations. Seeking a reliable Mobile App development company for your business? Connect us now #12 DocuSign DocuSign is another digital signature service that integrates with Outlook, providing a secure way to sign and send documents.   Integrating a custom DocuSign plug-in for Outlook can help with data security in several ways: Encrypted Communication: DocuSign uses SSL/TLS encryption to secure communication between the sender and the recipient. This ensures that the document and any related data are protected during transmission. Document Encryption: DocuSign also uses AES encryption to secure the document content itself. This encryption protects the document and ensures that it cannot be tampered with. Secure Authentication: DocuSign uses multi-factor authentication to verify the identity of users. This ensures that only authorized users have access to the document. Document Control: DocuSign provides document control features such as access control and document retention policies. This allows businesses to control who has access to the document and how long it is retained. Audit Trail: DocuSign provides a comprehensive audit trail of all actions taken on a document. This includes details such as who accessed the document when they accessed it, and what actions they took. This information can be used to track document activity and ensure data security. By integrating a custom DocuSign plug-in for Outlook, businesses can leverage these security features to protect their data and ensure that their documents are secure. The plug-in makes it easy to send and receive documents securely, and the data encryption, authentication, and document control features help to ensure that only authorized users have access to the document. Additionally, the audit trail provides a record of all document activity, which can help businesses identify potential security issues and take appropriate action. #13 S/MIME Control S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Control Add-in is a tool used to encrypt and sign emails, which can add a layer of security to business communication.   Here are some ways in which the S/MIME Control extension can help secure business communication: Encryption: S/MIME Control Add-in uses encryption to protect the content of emails, ensuring that only the intended recipient(s) can read the message. This helps protect sensitive information, such as confidential business plans, financial data, or personal information, from unauthorized access. Digital signatures: S/MIME Control Add-in can add digital signatures to emails, verifying the authenticity of the sender and ensuring that the content of the email has not been tampered with. This helps prevent email spoofing and phishing attacks, which can be a significant threat to businesses. Authentication: S/MIME Control Add-in can help ensure that only authorized users can send or access sensitive information. This helps prevent unauthorized access to confidential information and ensures that business communication remains secure. Compatibility: S/MIME Control Add-in is widely supported by most email clients and servers, making it a reliable and trusted method for secure email communication. Overall, S/MIME Control Add-in can provide a secure layer for business communication by using encryption, digital signatures, authentication, and compatibility features. This can help protect sensitive information, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure that business communication remains secure. #14 SpamBayes This Outlook add-in can help improve security by filtering out unwanted emails, including spam, phishing emails, and malware. This add-in uses a combination of Bayesian analysis and machine learning algorithms to learn from a user's email history and identify patterns in email content that are likely to be spam or other types of unwanted messages. Once the add-in has been trained, it can automatically move unwanted messages to a designated spam folder, ensuring that they do not clutter up the user's inbox or pose a security threat. By reducing the amount of spam and unwanted emails that a user receives, the SpamBayes Outlook add-in can help protect against phishing attacks, which can be a major threat to businesses.   Additionally, the add-in's ability to identify and filter out malware can help prevent viruses and other types of malicious software from being inadvertently downloaded or installed. Overall, the SpamBayes Outlook add-in is a useful tool for improving email security and reducing the risk of data breaches and other security threats. Accelerate your business efficiency with PowerPoint Add-ins development  Avail services now! #15 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is an email security add-in that protects your business against phishing, malware, and other online risks while you use Outlook.    Conclusion Plug-ins simplify business and operations, making you more productive or performing a critical activity better than a specialized tool. Outlook is a well-known email client in the business world, with millions of users relying on it to meet their daily communication and collaboration requirements. It has a plethora of astonishing add-ins, both free and paid. This blog has gone through the top 15 Outlook Add-ons to help you enhance data security. Given that the great majority of us use Outlook, it seems reasonable to consider all of these extensions to improve data privacy and corporate security.
Kapil Panchal

Kapil Panchal

A passionate Technical writer and an SEO freak working as a Content Development Manager at iFour Technolab, USA. With extensive experience in IT, Services, and Product sectors, I relish writing about technology and love sharing exceptional insights on various platforms. I believe in constant learning and am passionate about being better every day.

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