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Innovative Ways - Satisfied Clientele
Kapil Panchal - July 07, 2021
Table of Content 1. What is Auth0? 2. What is NgRx in Angular? 3. Implement Auth0 in Angular application with NgRx: 3.1 Create an Angular app and Install the Dependencies 3.2 Add the Auth service abstraction 4. Include AuthModule 4.1 Add NgRx 4.2 Add the Actions 4.3 Add the reducer and the state 4.4 Add the effects 4.5 Add the selectors 4.6 Build component 5 Conclusion What is Auth0? Auth0 is a versatile, drop-in...
Kapil Panchal - July 07, 2021
Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. What are props? 3. How to declare props? 4. How to pass the value? 5. What is State? 6. How To Update a Component’s State? 7. What happens when the state changes? 8. Can we use state in every component? 9. What are the differences between props and state? 10. Full development example of props and state 11. Conclusion Introduction When we talk about State and Props, both are considered as variables, but they...
Kapil Panchal - July 06, 2021
Table of Content 1. What is a Thumbnail? 2. Why We Use Thumbnails? 3. When Thumbnails Are Useful? 4. Some Examples for Thumbnails 5. Generate Thumbnails Image 6. Conclusion What is a Thumbnail? Thumbnail is an image with a reduced file size of the actual image that is used as at a time of uploading image. Why We Use Thumbnails? The main advantage of thumbnail image is to reduce the file size using thumbnail image to load websites...
Kapil Panchal - July 06, 2021
Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. What is the Authentication? 3. React API Authentication & Authorization 4. Ways of Implementing API Authorization and Authentication 5. Create React Application example 6. Login Authentication in React 7. Conclusion Introduction Today, we can easily get all details from internet and store the all details in a server, therefore, if we don’t get any security then there would be high chance to lost information or Unauthorized...
Kapil Panchal - July 01, 2021
Table of Content 1. What is JUnit 5? 2. JUnit 5 Annotations 3. How to use JUnit 5? 4. Annotations and Its Examples 5. Class Assertions and its methods 6. Conclusion What is JUnit 5? JUnit 5 is a very popular unit testing framework mainly used for -based applications. JUnit 5 consists of 3 different modules that are JUnit Platform, JUnit Jupiter, and JUnit Vintage. So JUnit = JUnit Platform + JUnit Jupiter + JUnit Vintage. JUnit...