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What are different types of Big Data as a Service (BDaaS)

iFour Team - September 28, 2016

What are different types of Big Data as a Service (BDaaS)

The fame of Big Data lies within its wide-ranging definition of employing high volume, velocity, and different data sets that are difficult to manage and excerpt value from. Clearly, most software development companies can identify themselves as facing Big Data challenges and chances today or in future. This, therefore is not a new issue yet it has a new quality as it has been aggravated in recent years. Cheaper storage and omnipresent data collection and availability of third party data has...

Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for Big Data Applications

iFour Team - September 27, 2016

Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for Big Data Applications

Introduction Software development companies are trying to be up to date with the emerging trends for Big Data. Big data has got a well-recognized place by The Government as well. Government has recognized big data by categorizing it as one of the ‘Eight Great Technologies’ which will drive the world to future growth. The (COMMUNITY, 2014) reports on the increase in data being produced and the importance of new types of computing command in order to reap the economic value of the data. Big...

Understanding the role of ERP in Supply Chain Management

iFour Team - September 27, 2016

Understanding the role of ERP in Supply Chain Management

Enterprises rely on different types of information systems (IS) for managing day-to-day business and making decisions such as customer relationship management systems (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM) systems. Businesses rely on ERP systems to automate business operations, replace their legacy systems, and integrate core business processes and to help adding value and visibility. SCM systems help organizations to enhance relationships with supply chain...


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