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Which technology is better AngularJS or ReactJS for frontend development?

Kapil Panchal - October 04, 2021

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Which technology is better AngularJS or ReactJS for frontend development?

Table of Content

Several front-end frameworks are available in the market each with its own set of strengths and limitations. This makes deciding which one you should spend time in learning or which is best suited to your next project.

React JS and AngularJS are two of the most widely used frameworks for developing websites. Their comparison is also a big subject on the internet. Because they are both capable of fulfilling their respective objectives, it becomes really difficult for Frontend developers to select one of them for their initiatives. In fact, both are considered as best platforms for SPAs, however, React helps with updating multi-view at a time.

In this blog, we will comprehend the essentials of Angular and ReactJS and help you choose the best one for your side.


“AngularJS is a far more promising technology in the future. Created by Google, it has changed the way of development of web apps. Things are looking up for Angular Development Experts web application development. AngularJS' performance has improved, and the new features are increasing its popularity. It has a robust server-side and client-side framework that encourages rapid development. In comparison to React.JS, it has a more advanced framework.”

- Jenelle Fulton-Brown, Marketing Manager at  Affiliates Sloty

“While both currently see their fair share of use in today’s world of developers, one of the clear winners happens to be AngularJS. This decision is personally made by the fact that Google developed this particular framework, and continues to update it much more frequently compared to react, which is developed by Facebook. The other underlying reason is that AngularJS also seems like a more complete development framework, whereas ReactJS is an open source framework library. In the long run, while AngularJs is slightly more difficult to learn, it is well worth the effort since it has so much to offer compared to ReactJS. In the end, the one that I can see having more application opportunities is AngularJS and being adapted for more in the future as Google continues to update the platform.”

- Carla Diaz, Cofounder of  Broadband Search

“While there are enough key differences between these two platforms to make it difficult to compare them completely, I still give the edge to AngularJS over ReactJS when it comes to the future because Angular is much better-supported and more widely used. Sure, React is the way to go if you're working with Facebook, but Angular has so many powerful stakeholders that even if some companies stop using it, it's going to have a place in the industry.”

- Devon Fata, CEO of  Pixoul

“ReactJs and AngularJs both are excellent depending upon your requirements. Angular has a disadvantage since it is slightly more complex and difficult to learn. However Angular is actually a full-fledged framework compared to React which is only a library. Meaning one will have to include other libraries too when using React. The future for both depends upon its user and their usage.”

- Kaitlyn Rayment, Tech Consultant at  Wepc


Let’s look at them individually.

AngularJs is a full-fledged UI framework offering end-to-end flow. With the release of the latest version, the performance has improved, and the new features boost its popularity. Additionally, it offers to render view quite easily and has a more advanced framework compared to React.JS. However, learning the new framework is often more challenging, hence slowing down Angularjs acceptance.

Meanwhile, ReactJS is a standalone library that easily integrates with web applications. With ReactJS, you can easily view components of AngularJS and other frameworks. It only fails to be compatible with traditional browsers.

With that in mind, it’s hard to predict the future. But at the moment, React seems to have more potential for the future. Let’s look at some of the reasons why:

  • React offers isolated debugging, which is very efficient for better app stability. Being a library, it can easily integrate into any project (Even those made with AngularJS).
  • React is better in performance than Angular due to its smaller bundle size and full backward compatibility.
  • React’s component-driven architecture allows devs to re-use components, which saves on cost and development time.
  • With React.JS. developers don’t need to re-write the entire HTML code. Instead, they can virtually update changes with DOM. As a result, you get faster updates and faster performance.”
- Harriet Chan, Executive Director & CMO at  CocoFinder

“In my experience React JS, developed by Facebook is relatively better than Google's AngularJS. This is because the former is oriented towards the needs of the client. The process of rendering is much easier in React JS. It is because of a feature as simple as a single view presentation. Furthermore, in matters of design, React JS is easier to work with. It offers content from various perspectives while maintaining quality.

In addition to this, React JS can be optimized for a better user experience - faster loading pages, better navigation and a smoother flow. This software can handle data-intensive content with ease. It does not compromise on quality, based on quantity. Thus, React JS is very flexible and provides a seamless experience for both creators and their clients. Certainly, React JS has a better future.”

- Joshua Francia, Research Analyst at  TireHungry

“React.js has a brighter future because it is used to develop its components. It is also used in conjunction with other frameworks, such as Backbone or the well-known Angular. React is still the preferred framework since it has been adopted by many enterprises that are capable of adequately sponsoring it. The rationale for this is that people will try to keep a good library going even if Facebook goes away. Even though it has some license issues, it continues to attract many companies to collaborate with it.”

- Katherine Brown, Founder & Marketing Director of  Spyic

“React and AngularJS are recognized as prominent web development frameworks in today's technology industry. While selecting the ideal framework for web applications is entirely dependent on the application's intended usage and functionality, scalability, and long-term viability. However, it is up to you to experiment with React and Angular before deciding on the ideal one. Perhaps one point to make here is that AngularJS's popularity is dwindling in comparison to ReactJS.”

- Gerrid Smith, CMO of Joy Organics

“The only reason we chose React over Angular is because of isolated debugging, which aids app stability. Furthermore, because React is a library, we can use it in any project (even if it is made with Angular).

In terms of performance, backward compatibility, and bundle size, React outperforms Angular. React's component-driven architecture allows developers to reuse components, saving time and money during development.”

- Andrew White, Founder & Digital Consultant at  TechGearoid

“Both of these frameworks are sought-after in the market because they offer developers great flexibility when it comes to creating flawless web applications for both small-scale and large-scale businesses. However, it's important to note that AngularJS's popularity among developers has steadily decreased over time compared to ReactJS, as many developers describe ReactJS as their favorite front-end framework. One of the main reasons for that comes down to the fact that React is much easier than AngularJS to learn and implement, thereby also making the testing of large or complex applications a relatively easier task in comparison. As such, it's safe to say that in the long run, ReactJS is set to be the more relevant and promising choice among developers and client companies alike.”

- Eden Cheng, Co-Founder of PeopleFinderFree

“ReactJS is a go-to opportunity for the one who wants to develop an application out of a small learning curve. If you are a beginner or have less coding practice also if you need stability for your project you can go with React because its learning curve is rapid and simpler and also job in the market is higher than Angular. Choosing Reactjs is a simple process to get the job done since it hasn’t much to do with creating HTML, but has the simplest ways to reuse the UI components.”

- Austin LaRoche, CEO of  ATAK Interactive

“It's hard to tell which library wins. Each of them has its strengths.

Angular is a complete framework - it comes bundled with a bunch of built-in modules that give you a more rigid structure, but it's designed for large projects where you need to scale a lot. That's why it's not so suitable for small projects, because it comes with a lot of things that you probably won't even use. It's a Google product and it's pretty opinionated.

React is smaller, and it doesn't come bundled up with all the modules, but it relies heavily on community and open source, even though if it's backed-up by Facebook. It is by far the most popular in terms of usage.

As for popularity on GitHub - Vue wins - and that's because it's somewhere in the middle and doesn't have a tech giant behind it - it's purely community driven.

You can't say that one or the other will win - it's also based on preference. But React is probably already a winner in terms of jobs, projects based on it, versatility and community. After all, it's the most used library as of 2021.”

- Dan Antal, Senior Software Developer at Wirtek

“AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. By using HTML as your template language, you can extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly using AngularJS. Developed by Google, it is used to build web applications, and can be used, changed and shared freely by anyone. It is effective for building single phase applications and line of business applications. These developments allow these sites and applications to be dynamic.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library used in web development in order to build interactive elements on websites. This helps developers build user interfaces. This includes on-screen menus, search bars, buttons and any other interactive aspect of a website or app. It makes code easier to understand and launch and uses server-side rendering to provide a performance-orientated solution. React is supported by Facebook, and is timesaving, simple and has a great user experience with fast performance.

AngularJS has been around for longer, being released in 2010, while ReactJS was created in 2011. When considering which is better and which will have a better future, we need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The advantages of Angular are that it offers a more structured experience with strictly defined modules to utilize, a material design-like interface, amongst other things. The disadvantages of Angular are that it can be extremely confusing for newcomers, has no clear manual, can become slow with pages embedding interactive elements, and it can be difficult to achieve third party integration. There is also a rocky past with Angular and its former iterations which may present as a problem for newcomers attempting to learn the language.

On the other hand, the advantages of React are that it is easy to learn, has a simple design, allows for developers to spend more time writing modern JavaScript and teaches skills that can be applied to native development. The disadvantages of React, however, are that it can sometimes require complex configuration in order to integrate in the traditional MVC framework and requires any users to have extensive knowledge about the integration of user interface into the MVC framework. If not done correctly, react applications can also suffer in terms of SEO and have a lot more reliance on external dependencies comparatively.

It is difficult to choose which one of these technologies has a better future, as they are both great choices for single page applications, but they are two entirely different instruments on a wide spectrum. If I had to choose one, it would be my professional opinion that ReactJS is the technology with the better future. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, React is much easier to learn, which means it has the potential for more users, while Angular limits its potential due to its convoluted structure, boiler-plate, and all-in-one approach. It has no clear manual, which makes it more difficult to learn. React simply has more advantages than Angular, and less negatives, which supports the idea that it has a greater future. The fact that it is a newer technology means that it also has greater potential to grow than its older counterpart.

That being said, there are a lot of Javascript frameworks out there within bleeding-edge tech and new becomes old very quickly. Technology develops and evolves at a rapid pace so only time will be able to dictate what happens next, but until then the React-Native/React/Node.js ecosystem will continue to be our choice for building performant web and mobile based applications.”

- Conner Goldberg, Managing Director of Ascension Cloud Solutions

Both are Valuable & Important

“Despite the fact that there are significant differences between the two languages, focusing on their highlights would be inappropriate. However, Angular is a full-fledged framework that emphasizes complex structure, whereas React is a UI component library. It allows developers to design how their program will appear and may be used to create both locally delivered and portable web apps.

On the other hand, Angular provides an undeniable toolset that includes everything needed to develop large-scale apps. The main difference between React JS and Angular JS is the state of its administration. Of course, AngularJS comes with information restriction built-in, but Redux is mostly used in React to provide unidirectional information streams and deal with persistent data. Both are information-restricting techniques, and there is no consensus on which is better: changeless/unidirectional information restriction or variable/bidirectional information restriction.”

- Bram Jansen, Chief Editor of vpnAlert

“Both Angular JS and React are powerful web development front-end frameworks. Angular is an undeniably versatile web development framework. With the help of additional libraries, React may be transformed into a viable UI development framework. At first, appearance, React appears to be simpler, and getting started with a React project appears to be easier. In any case, the necessity of learning how to interact with extra Javascript frameworks and tools negates React's fundamental virtue of ease of use. Angular is a more difficult language that takes a lot of practice to grasp. It is, nevertheless, an essential asset that provides an all-encompassing web development experience, and once you figure out how to use it, it will be really beneficial to you. Finally, the choice between React and Angular is a matter of personal preference, abilities, and proclivities. As a beginner programmer, React would most likely benefit you more in the beginning. As an experienced engineer, you simply keep working with what you know best.”

- Lee Grant, CEO at Wrangu

“To know which technology will have a better future, let's compare ReactJS and AngularJS. First and foremost, both technologies are great for front-end development. They're both great for building large-scale apps. When it comes to data binding, ReactJS works one way while AngularJS works two ways. AngularJS creates Real DOM, whereas ReactJS create virtual DOM. Both technologies are scalable. Because of the large size of AngularJS, performance and load times on mobile are longer. It is a bit faster in ReactJS since it is smaller. The two frameworks have robust ecosystems. It is easier to grasp with ReactJS. However, to maximize its potential fully, Redux and other multiple integrations are required. If you want to build a basic web app, both of them can serve. They have a promising future too.”

- Daniela Sawyer, Founder & Business Development Strategist at FindPeopleFast

“AngularJS is the best JavaScript framework for developing single-page Web applications. It's highly flexible, robust, and well-supported by a larger community. In contrast, ReactJS is more popular since it's easier to learn and requires less code to get started with building web applications. However, AngularJS has been developed for further scalability and bigger-scale projects. Altogether, AngularJS excels in desktop browser development as well as cross-platform mobile development that requires many different visual presentation features. ReactJS, in contrast, works more effectively for small project development.”

- Lynda Fairly, Co-founder of Numlooker

“It is critical to select the appropriate platform for developing your web applications. Which framework is more important for application development: ReactJS or AngularJS? Both are well-known programming languages that aid programmers and developers in the development of applications and websites. It is impossible to foretell the future with certainty. However, in my professional view, React appears to be more production-ready than Angular at the time. Both frameworks appear to have a bright future, but Angular's acceptance curve will be more slow than React's, which has already experienced exponential growth.In the end, it comes down to what works best for your project and your team's skill set. This is solely my observation and opinion.”

- Cindy Corpis, CEO of SearchPeopleFree

“Both Angular JS and React are excellent front-end frameworks for web development. Angular is a web development framework that is undeniably versatile. React is a UI development framework that can be changed into a reliable arrangement with the help of extra libraries. React appears to be simpler at first glance, and getting started with a React project requires less effort. In any event, React's primary benefit of ease of use is negated by the necessity to learn how to work with additional Javascript frameworks and tools. Angular is more complex and requires a significant amount of effort to master. It is, nevertheless, an essential asset that provides an all-encompassing web development experience, and once you figure out how to use it, it will be really beneficial to you. Finally, the choice between React and Angular is a matter of personal preference, abilities, and proclivities. As a beginner programmer, React would most likely benefit you more in the beginning. As an experienced engineer, you simply keep working with what you know best.”

- Brian Dean, Founder of Exploding Topics

“This is a difficult question and it's hard to predict how it will shake out because, despite accomplishing the same thing, Angular and React are very different. React is more developer-friendly. The learning curve for using the framework is quite approachable and even intermediate devs can understand it and get their web apps up and running.

Angular, however, is more approachable by the end-user. Because it focuses on performance, it's more likely to be seen by the user as the superior framework, all other things being equal. But if there aren't as many devs creating apps on this framework, it may not be populated enough to win out.”

- Rex Freiberger, CEO of Gadget Review

“There is no denying the fact that companies are increasingly taking web applications that provide the best user experience on the market. As companies grow and expand their online businesses, the concept of an e-commerce website is becoming an area of expertise in its own right.

In fact, both React and Angular are great for front-end development and work equally well for building large-scale applications.

  1. When it comes to data binding, AngularJS works in two ways, and ReactJS works in one.
  2. ReactJS creates its own virtual DOM that stores its components, while AngularJS creates the real DOM.
  3. In terms of extensibility, both structures are extensible.
  4. AngularJS is larger, resulting in increased load times and slower mobile performance. ReactJS is smaller than AngularJS and therefore slightly faster.
  5. In general, both AngularJS and ReactJS have powerful ecosystems. ReactJS is easier to understand, but requires as many integrations as Redux to fully exploit its potential.

Both platforms are in high demand in the market and have great flexibility to create ideal web applications for businesses of all sizes. It mainly depends on the needs of your project, which will be the main deciding factor when choosing one of these frameworks for your line of work.”

- Justin Nabity, Founder and CEO of Physicians Thrive

“AngularJS and ReactJS both are the latest technologies of the modern world. People build creative products with it. Being a developer I prefer ReactJS because it’s easy to learn and practice. Once you have a good command of a programming language then good luck because you can do anything you want. I think ReactJS has a very bright future because you can do a lot of cool stuff. Many business owners are using it. So I don’t think it will vanish in few years.”

- StephenCurry from CocoSign


Both ReactJS and AngularJS are known for their excellent community support and offer impeccable documentation with varied ideologies of development. Looking at the features and essentialities discussed above, it is quite challenging to make a clear winner from these. However, you could decide the best one comparing your requirements to the features of each and select the best one.

Which technology is better AngularJS or ReactJS for frontend development? Table of Content 1. AngularJS 2. ReactJS 3. Both are Valuable & Important 4. Conclusion Several front-end frameworks are available in the market each with its own set of strengths and limitations. This makes deciding which one you should spend time in learning or which is best suited to your next project. React JS and AngularJS are two of the most widely used frameworks for developing websites. Their comparison is also a big subject on the internet. Because they are both capable of fulfilling their respective objectives, it becomes really difficult for Frontend developers to select one of them for their initiatives. In fact, both are considered as best platforms for SPAs, however, React helps with updating multi-view at a time. In this blog, we will comprehend the essentials of Angular and ReactJS and help you choose the best one for your side. AngularJS “AngularJS is a far more promising technology in the future. Created by Google, it has changed the way of development of web apps. Things are looking up for Angular Development Experts web application development. AngularJS' performance has improved, and the new features are increasing its popularity. It has a robust server-side and client-side framework that encourages rapid development. In comparison to React.JS, it has a more advanced framework.” - Jenelle Fulton-Brown, Marketing Manager at  Affiliates Sloty “While both currently see their fair share of use in today’s world of developers, one of the clear winners happens to be AngularJS. This decision is personally made by the fact that Google developed this particular framework, and continues to update it much more frequently compared to react, which is developed by Facebook. The other underlying reason is that AngularJS also seems like a more complete development framework, whereas ReactJS is an open source framework library. In the long run, while AngularJs is slightly more difficult to learn, it is well worth the effort since it has so much to offer compared to ReactJS. In the end, the one that I can see having more application opportunities is AngularJS and being adapted for more in the future as Google continues to update the platform.” - Carla Diaz, Cofounder of  Broadband Search “While there are enough key differences between these two platforms to make it difficult to compare them completely, I still give the edge to AngularJS over ReactJS when it comes to the future because Angular is much better-supported and more widely used. Sure, React is the way to go if you're working with Facebook, but Angular has so many powerful stakeholders that even if some companies stop using it, it's going to have a place in the industry.” - Devon Fata, CEO of  Pixoul “ReactJs and AngularJs both are excellent depending upon your requirements. Angular has a disadvantage since it is slightly more complex and difficult to learn. However Angular is actually a full-fledged framework compared to React which is only a library. Meaning one will have to include other libraries too when using React. The future for both depends upon its user and their usage.” - Kaitlyn Rayment, Tech Consultant at  Wepc ReactJS Let’s look at them individually. AngularJs is a full-fledged UI framework offering end-to-end flow. With the release of the latest version, the performance has improved, and the new features boost its popularity. Additionally, it offers to render view quite easily and has a more advanced framework compared to React.JS. However, learning the new framework is often more challenging, hence slowing down Angularjs acceptance. Meanwhile, ReactJS is a standalone library that easily integrates with web applications. With ReactJS, you can easily view components of AngularJS and other frameworks. It only fails to be compatible with traditional browsers. With that in mind, it’s hard to predict the future. But at the moment, React seems to have more potential for the future. Let’s look at some of the reasons why: React offers isolated debugging, which is very efficient for better app stability. Being a library, it can easily integrate into any project (Even those made with AngularJS). React is better in performance than Angular due to its smaller bundle size and full backward compatibility. React’s component-driven architecture allows devs to re-use components, which saves on cost and development time. With React.JS. developers don’t need to re-write the entire HTML code. Instead, they can virtually update changes with DOM. As a result, you get faster updates and faster performance.” - Harriet Chan, Executive Director & CMO at  CocoFinder Read More: Comparative Analysis Of Blazor, Angular, React, Vue And Node For Web Development “In my experience React JS, developed by Facebook is relatively better than Google's AngularJS. This is because the former is oriented towards the needs of the client. The process of rendering is much easier in React JS. It is because of a feature as simple as a single view presentation. Furthermore, in matters of design, React JS is easier to work with. It offers content from various perspectives while maintaining quality. In addition to this, React JS can be optimized for a better user experience - faster loading pages, better navigation and a smoother flow. This software can handle data-intensive content with ease. It does not compromise on quality, based on quantity. Thus, React JS is very flexible and provides a seamless experience for both creators and their clients. Certainly, React JS has a better future.” - Joshua Francia, Research Analyst at  TireHungry “React.js has a brighter future because it is used to develop its components. It is also used in conjunction with other frameworks, such as Backbone or the well-known Angular. React is still the preferred framework since it has been adopted by many enterprises that are capable of adequately sponsoring it. The rationale for this is that people will try to keep a good library going even if Facebook goes away. Even though it has some license issues, it continues to attract many companies to collaborate with it.” - Katherine Brown, Founder & Marketing Director of  Spyic “React and AngularJS are recognized as prominent web development frameworks in today's technology industry. While selecting the ideal framework for web applications is entirely dependent on the application's intended usage and functionality, scalability, and long-term viability. However, it is up to you to experiment with React and Angular before deciding on the ideal one. Perhaps one point to make here is that AngularJS's popularity is dwindling in comparison to ReactJS.” - Gerrid Smith, CMO of Joy Organics “The only reason we chose React over Angular is because of isolated debugging, which aids app stability. Furthermore, because React is a library, we can use it in any project (even if it is made with Angular). In terms of performance, backward compatibility, and bundle size, React outperforms Angular. React's component-driven architecture allows developers to reuse components, saving time and money during development.” - Andrew White, Founder & Digital Consultant at  TechGearoid “Both of these frameworks are sought-after in the market because they offer developers great flexibility when it comes to creating flawless web applications for both small-scale and large-scale businesses. However, it's important to note that AngularJS's popularity among developers has steadily decreased over time compared to ReactJS, as many developers describe ReactJS as their favorite front-end framework. One of the main reasons for that comes down to the fact that React is much easier than AngularJS to learn and implement, thereby also making the testing of large or complex applications a relatively easier task in comparison. As such, it's safe to say that in the long run, ReactJS is set to be the more relevant and promising choice among developers and client companies alike.” - Eden Cheng, Co-Founder of PeopleFinderFree “ReactJS is a go-to opportunity for the one who wants to develop an application out of a small learning curve. If you are a beginner or have less coding practice also if you need stability for your project you can go with React because its learning curve is rapid and simpler and also job in the market is higher than Angular. Choosing Reactjs is a simple process to get the job done since it hasn’t much to do with creating HTML, but has the simplest ways to reuse the UI components.” - Austin LaRoche, CEO of  ATAK Interactive “It's hard to tell which library wins. Each of them has its strengths. Angular is a complete framework - it comes bundled with a bunch of built-in modules that give you a more rigid structure, but it's designed for large projects where you need to scale a lot. That's why it's not so suitable for small projects, because it comes with a lot of things that you probably won't even use. It's a Google product and it's pretty opinionated. React is smaller, and it doesn't come bundled up with all the modules, but it relies heavily on community and open source, even though if it's backed-up by Facebook. It is by far the most popular in terms of usage. As for popularity on GitHub - Vue wins - and that's because it's somewhere in the middle and doesn't have a tech giant behind it - it's purely community driven. You can't say that one or the other will win - it's also based on preference. But React is probably already a winner in terms of jobs, projects based on it, versatility and community. After all, it's the most used library as of 2021.” - Dan Antal, Senior Software Developer at Wirtek “AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. By using HTML as your template language, you can extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly using AngularJS. Developed by Google, it is used to build web applications, and can be used, changed and shared freely by anyone. It is effective for building single phase applications and line of business applications. These developments allow these sites and applications to be dynamic. ReactJS is a JavaScript library used in web development in order to build interactive elements on websites. This helps developers build user interfaces. This includes on-screen menus, search bars, buttons and any other interactive aspect of a website or app. It makes code easier to understand and launch and uses server-side rendering to provide a performance-orientated solution. React is supported by Facebook, and is timesaving, simple and has a great user experience with fast performance. AngularJS has been around for longer, being released in 2010, while ReactJS was created in 2011. When considering which is better and which will have a better future, we need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The advantages of Angular are that it offers a more structured experience with strictly defined modules to utilize, a material design-like interface, amongst other things. The disadvantages of Angular are that it can be extremely confusing for newcomers, has no clear manual, can become slow with pages embedding interactive elements, and it can be difficult to achieve third party integration. There is also a rocky past with Angular and its former iterations which may present as a problem for newcomers attempting to learn the language. On the other hand, the advantages of React are that it is easy to learn, has a simple design, allows for developers to spend more time writing modern JavaScript and teaches skills that can be applied to native development. The disadvantages of React, however, are that it can sometimes require complex configuration in order to integrate in the traditional MVC framework and requires any users to have extensive knowledge about the integration of user interface into the MVC framework. If not done correctly, react applications can also suffer in terms of SEO and have a lot more reliance on external dependencies comparatively. Looking to Hire ReactJS Developer For Your Business? CONNECT US It is difficult to choose which one of these technologies has a better future, as they are both great choices for single page applications, but they are two entirely different instruments on a wide spectrum. If I had to choose one, it would be my professional opinion that ReactJS is the technology with the better future. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, React is much easier to learn, which means it has the potential for more users, while Angular limits its potential due to its convoluted structure, boiler-plate, and all-in-one approach. It has no clear manual, which makes it more difficult to learn. React simply has more advantages than Angular, and less negatives, which supports the idea that it has a greater future. The fact that it is a newer technology means that it also has greater potential to grow than its older counterpart. That being said, there are a lot of Javascript frameworks out there within bleeding-edge tech and new becomes old very quickly. Technology develops and evolves at a rapid pace so only time will be able to dictate what happens next, but until then the React-Native/React/Node.js ecosystem will continue to be our choice for building performant web and mobile based applications.” - Conner Goldberg, Managing Director of Ascension Cloud Solutions Both are Valuable & Important “Despite the fact that there are significant differences between the two languages, focusing on their highlights would be inappropriate. However, Angular is a full-fledged framework that emphasizes complex structure, whereas React is a UI component library. It allows developers to design how their program will appear and may be used to create both locally delivered and portable web apps. On the other hand, Angular provides an undeniable toolset that includes everything needed to develop large-scale apps. The main difference between React JS and Angular JS is the state of its administration. Of course, AngularJS comes with information restriction built-in, but Redux is mostly used in React to provide unidirectional information streams and deal with persistent data. Both are information-restricting techniques, and there is no consensus on which is better: changeless/unidirectional information restriction or variable/bidirectional information restriction.” - Bram Jansen, Chief Editor of vpnAlert “Both Angular JS and React are powerful web development front-end frameworks. Angular is an undeniably versatile web development framework. With the help of additional libraries, React may be transformed into a viable UI development framework. At first, appearance, React appears to be simpler, and getting started with a React project appears to be easier. In any case, the necessity of learning how to interact with extra Javascript frameworks and tools negates React's fundamental virtue of ease of use. Angular is a more difficult language that takes a lot of practice to grasp. It is, nevertheless, an essential asset that provides an all-encompassing web development experience, and once you figure out how to use it, it will be really beneficial to you. Finally, the choice between React and Angular is a matter of personal preference, abilities, and proclivities. As a beginner programmer, React would most likely benefit you more in the beginning. As an experienced engineer, you simply keep working with what you know best.” - Lee Grant, CEO at Wrangu “To know which technology will have a better future, let's compare ReactJS and AngularJS. First and foremost, both technologies are great for front-end development. They're both great for building large-scale apps. When it comes to data binding, ReactJS works one way while AngularJS works two ways. AngularJS creates Real DOM, whereas ReactJS create virtual DOM. Both technologies are scalable. Because of the large size of AngularJS, performance and load times on mobile are longer. It is a bit faster in ReactJS since it is smaller. The two frameworks have robust ecosystems. It is easier to grasp with ReactJS. However, to maximize its potential fully, Redux and other multiple integrations are required. If you want to build a basic web app, both of them can serve. They have a promising future too.” - Daniela Sawyer, Founder & Business Development Strategist at FindPeopleFast “AngularJS is the best JavaScript framework for developing single-page Web applications. It's highly flexible, robust, and well-supported by a larger community. In contrast, ReactJS is more popular since it's easier to learn and requires less code to get started with building web applications. However, AngularJS has been developed for further scalability and bigger-scale projects. Altogether, AngularJS excels in desktop browser development as well as cross-platform mobile development that requires many different visual presentation features. ReactJS, in contrast, works more effectively for small project development.” - Lynda Fairly, Co-founder of Numlooker “It is critical to select the appropriate platform for developing your web applications. Which framework is more important for application development: ReactJS or AngularJS? Both are well-known programming languages that aid programmers and developers in the development of applications and websites. It is impossible to foretell the future with certainty. However, in my professional view, React appears to be more production-ready than Angular at the time. Both frameworks appear to have a bright future, but Angular's acceptance curve will be more slow than React's, which has already experienced exponential growth.In the end, it comes down to what works best for your project and your team's skill set. This is solely my observation and opinion.” - Cindy Corpis, CEO of SearchPeopleFree “Both Angular JS and React are excellent front-end frameworks for web development. Angular is a web development framework that is undeniably versatile. React is a UI development framework that can be changed into a reliable arrangement with the help of extra libraries. React appears to be simpler at first glance, and getting started with a React project requires less effort. In any event, React's primary benefit of ease of use is negated by the necessity to learn how to work with additional Javascript frameworks and tools. Angular is more complex and requires a significant amount of effort to master. It is, nevertheless, an essential asset that provides an all-encompassing web development experience, and once you figure out how to use it, it will be really beneficial to you. Finally, the choice between React and Angular is a matter of personal preference, abilities, and proclivities. As a beginner programmer, React would most likely benefit you more in the beginning. As an experienced engineer, you simply keep working with what you know best.” - Brian Dean, Founder of Exploding Topics “This is a difficult question and it's hard to predict how it will shake out because, despite accomplishing the same thing, Angular and React are very different. React is more developer-friendly. The learning curve for using the framework is quite approachable and even intermediate devs can understand it and get their web apps up and running. Angular, however, is more approachable by the end-user. Because it focuses on performance, it's more likely to be seen by the user as the superior framework, all other things being equal. But if there aren't as many devs creating apps on this framework, it may not be populated enough to win out.” - Rex Freiberger, CEO of Gadget Review “There is no denying the fact that companies are increasingly taking web applications that provide the best user experience on the market. As companies grow and expand their online businesses, the concept of an e-commerce website is becoming an area of expertise in its own right. In fact, both React and Angular are great for front-end development and work equally well for building large-scale applications. When it comes to data binding, AngularJS works in two ways, and ReactJS works in one. ReactJS creates its own virtual DOM that stores its components, while AngularJS creates the real DOM. In terms of extensibility, both structures are extensible. AngularJS is larger, resulting in increased load times and slower mobile performance. ReactJS is smaller than AngularJS and therefore slightly faster. In general, both AngularJS and ReactJS have powerful ecosystems. ReactJS is easier to understand, but requires as many integrations as Redux to fully exploit its potential. Both platforms are in high demand in the market and have great flexibility to create ideal web applications for businesses of all sizes. It mainly depends on the needs of your project, which will be the main deciding factor when choosing one of these frameworks for your line of work.” - Justin Nabity, Founder and CEO of Physicians Thrive “AngularJS and ReactJS both are the latest technologies of the modern world. People build creative products with it. Being a developer I prefer ReactJS because it’s easy to learn and practice. Once you have a good command of a programming language then good luck because you can do anything you want. I think ReactJS has a very bright future because you can do a lot of cool stuff. Many business owners are using it. So I don’t think it will vanish in few years.” - StephenCurry from CocoSign Conclusion Both ReactJS and AngularJS are known for their excellent community support and offer impeccable documentation with varied ideologies of development. Looking at the features and essentialities discussed above, it is quite challenging to make a clear winner from these. However, you could decide the best one comparing your requirements to the features of each and select the best one.
Kapil Panchal

Kapil Panchal

A passionate Technical writer and an SEO freak working as a Content Development Manager at iFour Technolab, USA. With extensive experience in IT, Services, and Product sectors, I relish writing about technology and love sharing exceptional insights on various platforms. I believe in constant learning and am passionate about being better every day.

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