What is Blazor web assembly?
The Blazor WebAssembly is a single-page web application framework that developers can build shared client-side Web applications using ASP.NET. It uses open web standards for plugins or code transpilation. The Blazor WebAssembly functions is perfect in all modern web browsers, including mobile browsers.
The Blazor WebAssembly was released by Microsoft, which was a new experimental .NET web framework that combines the power of C# .NET /Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with Blazor WebAssembly.Blazor WebAssembly enables the JavaScript engine in a web browser for executing page scripts to fast and native machine code, but that isn’t a full replacement for JavaScript.
WebAssembly doesn’t havegarbage collection functionality, Web Assembly is faster than javascript.Razor Templates convert to .NET classes that execute via Web Assembly
Advantage of using Blazor WebAssembly
The Blazor WebAssembly is fast native application.
SPA features are easily supported by Blazor WebAssembly like components, routing, etc.
You can deploy over application using Blazor webassembly in .NET.
It is supported by all stream browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari along with the ability to run on old (non-WebAssembly) ones using asm.js
Compiles to static files, which means there is no need for a .NET runtime on the server
Blazor webassemblydoes not have much load
You can run the application without internet.
Disadvantages of Blazor WebAssembly
It is restricted to the capabilities of the browser.
Web assembly take a long time for Larger application.
You cannot work with web assembly in core framework.
Why we use Blazor WebAssembly?
Blazor WebAssembly works with all the latest web browsers, for both desktop and mobile. Similar to JavaScript, the Blazor WebAssembly application run securely on the other person device from within the browser's security.
This is the big one, the hosting model that usually gets interested, this model offers a direct competitor to JavaScript SPAs such as Angular, C#, and React.
By using WebAssembly, we can easily write our UI logic using C# and not JavaScript. WebAssembly currently in preview and due for release in May 2020.
First of all, go open visual studio 2019 and create a new project. Click on Ok. project selection screen
After that select .NET core framework and select Blazor serverapp, click on create button after that you will see the screen exactly like below.
After finishing the create project process all Blazorappdefault structure look like that,WWWroot , Data,Pages,Shared,App.razor, that all file are created by default.
Data folder is created by blazor, you can add all our Model and DBContext Class, Service, in blazor Webassembly.
When we create Blazor project at that time page folder create by the system in Pages folder you can add all our component files. All component file has the. razor extension with itsfile name.
_imports. razor file was generated at project creation time. using _Imports.razor file you can add all components of pages.
App.razor folder was also created by the system In the App.razor file we can add our main component using App.razoor file. blazor provide default component also. .Appsertings.json can be used for adding the database connection string.All Asp .NET application have .Appsettings .json file
Startup.cs file is the most important file where you add all our endpoints example like controller endpoints, HTTP Client, add services and DB context to be used in the startup configuration method.
When you run the Blazor application, you can see left side of navigation and the right side contains and data. Youcan see as the default sample pages and menus you can displayed on our Blazor web site. You can add pages or remove them and start with our own Blazor page.Now run the application and you will see the below screen.
The big advantage of Blazor is as you can use our C# code in the razor and also put the breakpoint in the c# code part and in the browser, you can debug and check for all our logic is working properly and to trace any kind of error easily with the breakpoint.
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@page "/counter"
Current count: @currentCount
My Blozor Code part
My Name is : @name @code { private int currentCount = 0; private void IncrementCount() { currentCount++; } [Parameter] public string name{ get; set; } private void ClickMe() { name= "Teajs Solanki"; } }.
You can add one more button click event and can call the method and fetch the data in our component page. You can put the debugger point in the click me button and can easily check how if this can workafter adding the debugger breakpoint. You can see as when we click on the Click Me button you can debug and check for the value.
After adding a new button in HTML code just click on the run symbol.This program will run without any bug or error and you will get the below output of this program.When you click on the click me button you will get Tejas Solanki name that was written in c# code.
In this blog, we have explained you how to use Blazor Web Assembly in your own development work.We have also learned how to use Blazor WebAssembly with an ASP.NET MVC application. When you use Blazor WebAssembly it will save your time. It is used to provide single page application developerand other main purpose is use the c# code in razor view.This blog is helpful to you as we too have discussed about all factor of Blazor webasembly.
What is Blazor web assembly? What is Blazor web assembly? The Blazor WebAssembly is a single-page web application framework that developers can build shared client-side Web applications using ASP.NET. It uses open web standards for plugins or code transpilation. The Blazor WebAssembly functions is perfect in all modern web browsers, including mobile browsers. The Blazor WebAssembly was released by Microsoft, which was a new experimental .NET web framework that combines the power of C# .NET /Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with Blazor WebAssembly.Blazor WebAssembly enables the JavaScript engine in a web browser for executing page scripts to fast and native machine code, but that isn’t a full replacement for JavaScript. WebAssembly doesn’t havegarbage collection functionality, Web Assembly is faster than javascript.Razor Templates convert to .NET classes that execute via Web Assembly Advantage of using Blazor WebAssembly The Blazor WebAssembly is fast native application. SPA features are easily supported by Blazor WebAssembly like components, routing, etc. You can deploy over application using Blazor webassembly in .NET. It is supported by all stream browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari along with the ability to run on old (non-WebAssembly) ones using asm.js Compiles to static files, which means there is no need for a .NET runtime on the server Blazor webassemblydoes not have much load You can run the application without internet. Disadvantages of Blazor WebAssembly It is restricted to the capabilities of the browser. Web assembly take a long time for Larger application. You cannot work with web assembly in core framework. Why we use Blazor WebAssembly? Blazor WebAssembly works with all the latest web browsers, for both desktop and mobile. Similar to JavaScript, the Blazor WebAssembly application run securely on the other person device from within the browser's security. This is the big one, the hosting model that usually gets interested, this model offers a direct competitor to JavaScript SPAs such as Angular, C#, and React. By using WebAssembly, we can easily write our UI logic using C# and not JavaScript. WebAssembly currently in preview and due for release in May 2020. Read More: Web Application Development Using Asp.net Blazor Framework Let’s understand the concept of the Blazor web assembly using a simple example. First of all, go open visual studio 2019 and create a new project. Click on Ok. project selection screen Fig: Project selection screen After that select .NET core framework and select Blazor serverapp, click on create button after that you will see the screen exactly like below. After finishing the create project process all Blazorappdefault structure look like that,WWWroot , Data,Pages,Shared,App.razor, that all file are created by default. Fig: Project structure screen Data folder is created by blazor, you can add all our Model and DBContext Class, Service, in blazor Webassembly. When we create Blazor project at that time page folder create by the system in Pages folder you can add all our component files. All component file has the. razor extension with itsfile name. _imports. razor file was generated at project creation time. using _Imports.razor file you can add all components of pages. App.razor folder was also created by the system In the App.razor file we can add our main component using App.razoor file. blazor provide default component also. .Appsertings.json can be used for adding the database connection string.All Asp .NET application have .Appsettings .json file Startup.cs file is the most important file where you add all our endpoints example like controller endpoints, HTTP Client, add services and DB context to be used in the startup configuration method. When you run the Blazor application, you can see left side of navigation and the right side contains and data. Youcan see as the default sample pages and menus you can displayed on our Blazor web site. You can add pages or remove them and start with our own Blazor page.Now run the application and you will see the below screen. Fig: output screen The big advantage of Blazor is as you can use our C# code in the razor and also put the breakpoint in the c# code part and in the browser, you can debug and check for all our logic is working properly and to trace any kind of error easily with the breakpoint. Looking to Hire Dedicated ASP.Net Developer ? Contact Now. See here Here you can add a new button using the below code @page "/counter" COUNTER Current count: @currentCount Click me My Blozor Code part My Name is : @nameClick Me @code { private int currentCount = 0; private void IncrementCount() { currentCount++; } [Parameter] public string name{ get; set; } private void ClickMe() { name= "Teajs Solanki"; } }. You can add one more button click event and can call the method and fetch the data in our component page. You can put the debugger point in the click me button and can easily check how if this can workafter adding the debugger breakpoint. You can see as when we click on the Click Me button you can debug and check for the value. After adding a new button in HTML code just click on the run symbol.This program will run without any bug or error and you will get the below output of this program.When you click on the click me button you will get Tejas Solanki name that was written in c# code. Fig: output screen Conclusion In this blog, we have explained you how to use Blazor Web Assembly in your own development work.We have also learned how to use Blazor WebAssembly with an ASP.NET MVC application. When you use Blazor WebAssembly it will save your time. It is used to provide single page application developerand other main purpose is use the c# code in razor view.This blog is helpful to you as we too have discussed about all factor of Blazor webasembly.
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