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Top 10 client side technology considerations for web development companies

iFour Team - October 20, 2016

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Top 10 client side technology considerations for web development companies

Want to add superpowers to your web application? Yes! Then JavaScript frameworks can do magic.

In the age of rapid and interactive web application development, plain HTML/CSS does not serve the purpose. For innovative and interactive user interfaces, client-side technologies or JavaScript frameworks come to the rescue.

JavaScript frameworks are backbone of web development for web development companies that allow programmers to develop interactive user interface without worrying too much about the code structure and maintenance.

We discuss here top 10 JavaScript frameworks that are very popular among software development companies in USA.


AngularJS Development

AngularJS is very popular and highly used JavaScript framework for developing single-page web applications maintained by Google. This works on MVC and MVVM patterns. This not only simplifies the development but also testing of the web applications.

It allows programmer to extend HTML attributes by using Angular directives or creating custom directives. AngularJS compiler compiles and renders HTML; it manipulates DOM elements and attaches features provided in used directive.

The core feature of AngularJS is two-way data binding. It allows software programmer to create synchronized environment between view and model. If value of model is changed, then it will automatically get updated in view, and vice versa.

Pros Cons
Two-way data binding simplifies process of developing complex web applications. Performance issues for large web applications due to constant synchronization between view and model
Directives allow user to manipulate DOM elements very easily Code is difficult to understand and debug.
Good documentation and support Substantial framework size
Very powerful framework with Filters, Dependency Injection, expressions, etc.  


ReactJS Development

React.js is the answer for building large-scale applications. Unlike AngularJS, it is very efficient at rendering complex user interfaces with better performance.

virtual DOM is the basic concept on which ReactJS works. It renders virtual DOM to server first, then compares virtual DOM with actual DOM and updates only the differences. This makes it better choice for large web applications.

Facebook and Instagram are very good example of large-scale web applications that are built using ReactJS.

Pros Cons
Light-weight framework Programmer may face issues working with other DOM manipulation libraries, like jQuery.
Easy and simple to learn and master Constant re-rendering of components may slow down the application in case of large set of data.
Highly compatible with MVC Substantial framework size
High maintainability due to on-way data flow  
Component constant re-rendering decreases complexity by providing efficient arrangement.  



EmberJS is another powerful JavaScript framework that works on MVC pattern. EmberJS offers best of both AngularJS and ReactJS.

EmberJS works on principle of two-way binding, just like AngularJS. It also provides synchronized environment between view and model.

To overcome performance limitation of two-way binding in complex UI rendering, Ember released module Fastboot.js, that allows server-side DOM rendering similar to ReactJS.

Pros Cons
They are very popular, like Angular and React so add-ons are easily available Not as powerful or feature-rich as AngularJS
Two-way binding and UI rendering Difficult to learn and implement



MeteorJS is a full-stack platform that allows building end-to-end mobile and web applications purely in JavaScript. It also provides better performance.

MeteorJS comes fully equipped with all the features that developer needs to create frontend, backend, business logic, and database management. This is supported by huge community that is always reachable for any issue or help required.

It only requires knowledge of JavaScript and MeteorJS to develop web application. MeteorJS is modular so packages and libraries can be used on demand.

The server-side packages run in node.js. Any changes in database are reflected back to UI in real time and vice versa, making database operations faster.

Pros Cons
It is a truly JavaScript framework that requires nothing else but this to build end-to-end web application. user may find some issues with deployment and two-way communication with database as it maintains constant connection with server, unlike traditional requests and responses.
Only JavaScript knowledge is required to develop web application in MeteorJS  
Tutorials, help and custom packages are available very easily  
Better performance  


AureliaJS Technology

AureliaJS is an open-source front-end technology managed by Durandal Inc. It extends the capabilities of DurandalJS. They have added libraries, tools, and frameworks to support latest web app development. It is easy to migrate to AureliaJS for developers working on AngularJS or DurandalJS.

AureliaJS has highly modularized structure. It consists of many independent small libraries. So, one can have option to either use entire framework, use few of the required libraries or extend the libraries to create custom framework.

Pros Cons
It has very few dependencies as it is a self-contained package Not suitable for small projects
Provides out-of-the box support to Typescript  
Provides excellent routing  
Easy to understand  
Great documentation and support  



PolymerJS is different from others. It was released and managed by Google. It works on the concept of web components to extend capabilities of HTML.

web component is a browser technology using which user can create new custom HTML elements.

PolymerJS provides structure and gives the user the power to easily create custom HTML elements using browser-based technologies like web components, Service Workers, etc.

Pros Cons
Allows developer to create custom HTML tags It cannot be used as only JavaScript framework because of its limitations


KnockoutJS works with MVVM pattern, that makes it a bit different from Angular and Ember.

It is a small, light-weight, and purely JavaScript framework with no dependencies. It also provides features like Declarative bindings, Automatic UI refresh, Dependency tracking and Templating.

Pros Cons
Lightweight, Small framework with no dependencies New features are coming slowly as compared to competitor frameworks like React and Angular
Provides features like Binding, UI refresh, Dependency tracking and many more  
It is widely used by many communities so support is easily available  
Great documentation and help  
Great documentation and support  



BackboneJS is a light-weight but fully-featured JavaScript framework. It is used by many big companies like Pinterest, Foursquare, Walmart, etc.

The best thing about BackboneJS is that it is simple and easy to learn. It is also very flexible to use with other third-party JavaScript frameworks.

Pros Cons
Easy to integrate with current project It is not suitable to use as core framework as it isn`t that feature-rich. Can be used as side framework.
Small, flexible and easy to learn Sluggish release cycle



MercuryJS is recently released JavaScript framework and it is gaining popularity and getting lots of attention from the community of JavaScript developers and custom software development companies.

It is inspired by ReactJS and also works on similar concept of virtual DOM rendering. It is a modern JavaScript framework that is fully modular.

Pros Cons
Light-weight JavaScript framework Poor documentation
Can be used to handle large projects Lack of support

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Vue.js Development

VueJs is relatively new as compared to its competitors like Angular and React. It works with MVVM pattern.

It has very simple API that is easy to learn and also light-weighted. It allows user to use entire framework or selective modules as required. It is inspired by AngularJS, ReactJS, and KnockoutJS and also supports two-way binding to synchronize model and view.

Pros Cons
Supports two-way binding Not very popular
Updates are regular to compete with other frameworks Less support
Lightweight, easy to learn and versatile Limited customizations possibility


To develop rapid, interactive, feature-rich web applications with fewer complexities, JavaScript frameworks became the default choice, especially for single-page Page Web Applications.

JavaScript frameworks make it easy, fast and efficient to create, manage and dynamically render complex UIs. It also increases the performance of your web application.

These are front-end technologies so software development companies should take appropriate security measures to ensure safe and secure user experience.

Top 10 client side technology considerations for web development companies Want to add superpowers to your web application? Yes! Then JavaScript frameworks can do magic. In the age of rapid and interactive web application development, plain HTML/CSS does not serve the purpose. For innovative and interactive user interfaces, client-side technologies or JavaScript frameworks come to the rescue. JavaScript frameworks are backbone of web development for web development companies that allow programmers to develop interactive user interface without worrying too much about the code structure and maintenance. We discuss here top 10 JavaScript frameworks that are very popular among software development companies in USA. Angular.js AngularJS is very popular and highly used JavaScript framework for developing single-page web applications maintained by Google. This works on MVC and MVVM patterns. This not only simplifies the development but also testing of the web applications. It allows programmer to extend HTML attributes by using Angular directives or creating custom directives. AngularJS compiler compiles and renders HTML; it manipulates DOM elements and attaches features provided in used directive. The core feature of AngularJS is two-way data binding. It allows software programmer to create synchronized environment between view and model. If value of model is changed, then it will automatically get updated in view, and vice versa. Pros Cons Two-way data binding simplifies process of developing complex web applications. Performance issues for large web applications due to constant synchronization between view and model Directives allow user to manipulate DOM elements very easily Code is difficult to understand and debug. Good documentation and support Substantial framework size Very powerful framework with Filters, Dependency Injection, expressions, etc.   Read More: Emerging Technologies And Opportunities For Big Data Applications React.js React.js is the answer for building large-scale applications. Unlike AngularJS, it is very efficient at rendering complex user interfaces with better performance. virtual DOM is the basic concept on which ReactJS works. It renders virtual DOM to server first, then compares virtual DOM with actual DOM and updates only the differences. This makes it better choice for large web applications. Facebook and Instagram are very good example of large-scale web applications that are built using ReactJS.   Pros Cons Light-weight framework Programmer may face issues working with other DOM manipulation libraries, like jQuery. Easy and simple to learn and master Constant re-rendering of components may slow down the application in case of large set of data. Highly compatible with MVC Substantial framework size High maintainability due to on-way data flow   Component constant re-rendering decreases complexity by providing efficient arrangement.   Ember.js EmberJS is another powerful JavaScript framework that works on MVC pattern. EmberJS offers best of both AngularJS and ReactJS. EmberJS works on principle of two-way binding, just like AngularJS. It also provides synchronized environment between view and model. To overcome performance limitation of two-way binding in complex UI rendering, Ember released module Fastboot.js, that allows server-side DOM rendering similar to ReactJS.   Pros Cons They are very popular, like Angular and React so add-ons are easily available Not as powerful or feature-rich as AngularJS Two-way binding and UI rendering Difficult to learn and implement Meteor.js MeteorJS is a full-stack platform that allows building end-to-end mobile and web applications purely in JavaScript. It also provides better performance. MeteorJS comes fully equipped with all the features that developer needs to create frontend, backend, business logic, and database management. This is supported by huge community that is always reachable for any issue or help required. It only requires knowledge of JavaScript and MeteorJS to develop web application. MeteorJS is modular so packages and libraries can be used on demand. The server-side packages run in node.js. Any changes in database are reflected back to UI in real time and vice versa, making database operations faster.   Pros Cons It is a truly JavaScript framework that requires nothing else but this to build end-to-end web application. user may find some issues with deployment and two-way communication with database as it maintains constant connection with server, unlike traditional requests and responses. Only JavaScript knowledge is required to develop web application in MeteorJS   Tutorials, help and custom packages are available very easily   Better performance   Aurelia.js AureliaJS is an open-source front-end technology managed by Durandal Inc. It extends the capabilities of DurandalJS. They have added libraries, tools, and frameworks to support latest web app development. It is easy to migrate to AureliaJS for developers working on AngularJS or DurandalJS. AureliaJS has highly modularized structure. It consists of many independent small libraries. So, one can have option to either use entire framework, use few of the required libraries or extend the libraries to create custom framework.   Pros Cons It has very few dependencies as it is a self-contained package Not suitable for small projects Provides out-of-the box support to Typescript   Provides excellent routing   Easy to understand   Great documentation and support   Polymer.js PolymerJS is different from others. It was released and managed by Google. It works on the concept of web components to extend capabilities of HTML. web component is a browser technology using which user can create new custom HTML elements. PolymerJS provides structure and gives the user the power to easily create custom HTML elements using browser-based technologies like web components, Service Workers, etc.   Pros Cons Allows developer to create custom HTML tags It cannot be used as only JavaScript framework because of its limitations Knockout.js KnockoutJS works with MVVM pattern, that makes it a bit different from Angular and Ember. It is a small, light-weight, and purely JavaScript framework with no dependencies. It also provides features like Declarative bindings, Automatic UI refresh, Dependency tracking and Templating.   Pros Cons Lightweight, Small framework with no dependencies New features are coming slowly as compared to competitor frameworks like React and Angular Provides features like Binding, UI refresh, Dependency tracking and many more   It is widely used by many communities so support is easily available   Great documentation and help   Great documentation and support   Backbone.js BackboneJS is a light-weight but fully-featured JavaScript framework. It is used by many big companies like Pinterest, Foursquare, Walmart, etc. The best thing about BackboneJS is that it is simple and easy to learn. It is also very flexible to use with other third-party JavaScript frameworks.   Pros Cons Easy to integrate with current project It is not suitable to use as core framework as it isn`t that feature-rich. Can be used as side framework. Small, flexible and easy to learn Sluggish release cycle Mercury.js MercuryJS is recently released JavaScript framework and it is gaining popularity and getting lots of attention from the community of JavaScript developers and custom software development companies. It is inspired by ReactJS and also works on similar concept of virtual DOM rendering. It is a modern JavaScript framework that is fully modular.   Pros Cons Light-weight JavaScript framework Poor documentation Can be used to handle large projects Lack of support Are you searching for the Best Web Development Company? Your Search ends here See here Vue.js VueJs is relatively new as compared to its competitors like Angular and React. It works with MVVM pattern. It has very simple API that is easy to learn and also light-weighted. It allows user to use entire framework or selective modules as required. It is inspired by AngularJS, ReactJS, and KnockoutJS and also supports two-way binding to synchronize model and view.   Pros Cons Supports two-way binding Not very popular Updates are regular to compete with other frameworks Less support Lightweight, easy to learn and versatile Limited customizations possibility Conclusion: To develop rapid, interactive, feature-rich web applications with fewer complexities, JavaScript frameworks became the default choice, especially for single-page Page Web Applications. JavaScript frameworks make it easy, fast and efficient to create, manage and dynamically render complex UIs. It also increases the performance of your web application. These are front-end technologies so software development companies should take appropriate security measures to ensure safe and secure user experience.

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