Azure SQL vs MySQL: Technical Analysis
MySQL is open-source software, the classic Edition is open-source and is fully redistributable and licensed for free under that license. But it requires the release of the source code under that same General Public License. Other Editions are dual sourced (Standard, Enterprise, Cluster Carrier) for the higher-end versions, these other editions like Enterprise and Cluster Carrier provide the enterprise Security performance and/or High Availability Features. These other editions may be closed source (proprietary) components that are not redistributable without paying a license to Oracle
MySQL is multiplatform and designed to run under multiple operating systems. The server is designed to be installed on a machine that the licensee must build or provide. That said there is also a cloud-based version called MySQL Heatwave.
Azure SQL is a cloud-based subscription database service where a database server based on Microsoft SQL Server is built by Microsoft and access is provided to the subscriber. Data is stored in the cloud and is managed in the cloud. The cloud simply means on remote servers at a Microsoft site. There is no need for the purchase of hardware as the hardware is provided by Microsoft as part of the subscription, but hardware selection is still part of the build process and the type of hardware selected will affect the subscription price.
Past this subscription price, the costs for AzureSQL become based on activity on the AzureSQL instance. How much you use the AzureSQL instance dictates how much more the subscription will cost.
There are two other Azure models available. Azure Managed Instance, Which is more advanced than Azure SQL as it has an Equivalent to a SQL Agent to allow the execution of SQL-based jobs on the server. Azure VM is a virtual machine, that can have software like the Full Versions of Microsoft SQL Server installed on them.
- Devon Garbus Director of Marketing Soaring Eagle Data Solutions